SUNY at Albany Top Questions

Describe the students at SUNY at Albany.


Most kids are from LI or Westchester county. There are a lot of foreign exchange students here, mostly asian or indian. Most students are concerned about how easy classes are, not what kind of job a SUNY degree can help acquire. Frats are here but do not dominate the social scene. The school is very stick about recognition standards and few make the grade- most are 'off-campus.'


UA is extremely diverse. Students come from all parts of the state, mostly pooling from Long Island, New York City, Western New York, Upstate, and little towns you've never heard of. There are cliques on campus with the frats and sororities but even then it's pretty hard to find only one group that sticks to itself. Since the school is big, it encompasses all types of students. And since it's not that big of a school, everyone gets to mingle with each other. Which is nice when you look around a room at a party and realize that some kids from Buffalo are partying with your roommates from Brooklyn and Oswego, three completely different lifestyles. We have rich kids, middle class, lower income families. You'll have kids in your class who have never been to New York city, and you'll have friends who've never left the city except to come to Albany. There are stereotypes like the typical long island blow out dude bros, and the uber tan sorority girls, but for the most part you'll always find some one you can relate to. DO NOT wear uggs + sweat pants + messy bun + big ass sunglasses + northface fleeces. I'm sick of them. Stop it. Students are politically aware, and some are active, and while it is college and most people are liberal, there's no pressure to feel any which way.