Be sure to take advantage of living in close proximity to a variety of students on campus, especially your freshman year. Make friends and learn from those around you. Take advantage of the large number of clubs and activities and do thing that will be fun as well as beneficial. There are tons of volunteer and community service opportunities, that should be a strong point on all of your applications. You are at an art school so be sure to go to shows, musicals, art galleries, and even take classes out of your comfort zone. Be sure to build relationships with the faculty and staff. They will help you if you ask for it, but will not volunteer their time if you are not interested in it. Get help as soon as you are struggling with material rather than wait for your grades to show you're not getting it. Join study groups and take advantage of the free tutoring center. Most of all, take some time out of the library because after graduation you have to get a job and grow up!
Getting more information on what the cost of college and what would be the cost of going to a private university. Do more detailed research on different schools and the cost of them. Get more information about financial aid. Talk to many other people who went to college to give me tips and advice for college. Consider going to a community college first for two years to take my general studies. Then go to a University to finish my education to get my bachelors degree. Talk to the guidance counselor to know what steps to take to for college and getting information on scholarships. So I can be prepared to go to college. It would have been cheaper for me to have this information for college. Instead of having to go back to community college and missed a school year. Make sure you check all of the resources to get all the free money that you are eligible for so you do not have to take out loans. Make sure you do a lot of research before you go to college. Doing all of these will help you transition smoothly into college and lead you into less debt.
I would tell myself to pull your potential out of bum, and take AP courses designed to further you in college. I would also say "life isn't about achievements; it is rather about the goals, mutual support and accomplishments intermingled that count.
I would tell myself to shoot for the moon, to never doubt myself, and put my all into everything I want to do. College does not have time for students who do not try hard or who do not want to succeed.
If I could go back and talk to my senior self I would remind myself about preserverence. I would tell myself that life is lived to its fullest by recieving an education. My college experience has changed my life for the best. Even though would not of believed it then. I would have told myself that I will love all the new knowledge I will gain , people I will meet, and skills I will learn. I would tell myself not to worry ,that everything was going to work out, and that God has a plan for me. Follow the path that you know deep down you are destined for and your greatness will blossom. Most importatantly I would tell myself that the past doesnt matter now. All that matters is the road ahead and that the future will be bright.
Hello Lindsay. I am you, two years in the future. You're getting ready to go to college and there are a few things that you need to know. The most important thing: everything will be okay. I know you are worried, it's in your nature. But trust me, after a year and a half at Fredonia, you are in love. You are in love with the campus and the community. I know that right now you are worried about fitting in, and acquiring freedom you do not currently have. But you will fit in just fine with all of the right people, and yes you will abuse your freedom sometimes, but you will learn from your own mistakes and grow as a person. Secondly, do not be afraid to ask for help and to take care of yourself! You are still struggling with yourself right now, and will continue to for a while, but there are people on campus specifically to help you; take advantage of that! Overall, keep worrying, it helps make me who I am now as the future you. Go to Fredonia, learn and grow; academically and as a person.
Senior Jenn,The transition from high school to college may seem like freedom but you really need to prioritize. Time and money need to be at the top of your priorities now so that once you get here, you already have an idea of how it works. First things first, stop taking the easy route and buying food to refuel for practice; pack a snack from home. This will easily cut back on unnecessary money being spent. Also, do those scholarships! Those are simple essays or surveys that just require a little bit of your free time and your genius thoughts. You wont regret rejecting an invite to a movie or going bowling when you win that money; may it be $50, $700, or even $2,000, it’s still aiding to your college debt. Time is a factor no one can control; you can’t go back so make the most of every second. The balance between sleep, school, and health is important. All-nighters are unhealthy for the brain, avoid them. Naps are your friend. Don’t procrastinate but also give yourself time to relax occasionally so you don’t overload yourself. Best of luck,Future Jenn
Dear Ashante,
I know you're stressing out right now, but i'm here with some insight. Its going to be hard at first being away from home and you will be home sick for a few, but you've got to be a big girl. You got this. Keep your head up, and remember who you are. It's easy to lose sight of you are without those people you normally have around you to do that for you. Don't let your kindness be taken advantage of. Be kind, but be respected. You'll do great, no matter all the doubts you have. You got this kiddo...
Love you:)
If I were able to go back in time, knowing what I know now there are a few things I would advise myself to change. Throughout my high school years, I was severely depressed and always searching for a drastic change that seemingly would never come. My Junior year of high school as well as my senior year of high school- I had attempted suicide. If I could go back and tell myself about the transition from high school to college, I would tell myself that it gets better. I would inform myself that the big change I've been craving and needing most, was soon to come. I would tell myself to be patient, because things get better and the opportunities of the world will soon arise from the pitfalls of my depression. If I could go back in time, my only advise is to continue on, persue to overcome the struggle, resist my temptations of death- and simply look forward to the future; because the future I have created for myself is worthwhile and incredibly beautiful.
The first thing I would tell senior high school me to do is relax. I would tell myself that things might seem hectic then and they would in college, but to just take a deep breath and know she would get through it. That even when it seemed like there was 500 things to do and no time for them, she just needed to step back for a bit, reorganize her head, and it would all clear up soon. I would also tell myself to stay on top of assignments and essays. It is too easy to put off those things for days and that is where most of her stress would come from. She was always good about getting her work done and she should not let that slip. Because once she did it would become all to easy to lay around when she had more important things to do. So I would probably be confusing myself at this point; saying to relax, but stay up on everything. I have faith in myself that I would get the message though.