Don't choose a college based on it's prestige. SUNY schools are just as good as private universities and what's more, you'll make friends and learn things that will last a lifetime. Don't get caught up in what other people will think of your college choice, take the time to do the research and find the best college fit for YOU.
Doreen, you are a high school senior now. The entire world lies before you like a wonderful adventure. You don't know that the decisions you make now can affect you for the rest of your life!!! But they can, and I am here to tell you to embrace the future, but keep in mind your goals. Try not to be victimized by your emotions, yearning, and desires. . . . but instead, use those passions to focus on your goals and dreams. Be patient, for all will follow in time, and what seems impossible or hopeless today will sort itself out in time. Remain true to your values, keep in touch with your friends, be open to new ideas. You are a worthwhile individual deserving of happiness. You can enjoy success in whatever endeavors you choose. The world is fortunate to have you in it, and there are many people in your future who will love and value you. Leave the others behind, for they will only cause you to doubt yourself. Let them find their own path, and perhaps some day it will join yours again. Trust in God to guide you; and continue to believe in ;yourself!
The advice I would give myself is to learn how to juggle a varsity sport, academics, work, friends, and family. It is one of the hardest things to do. Also I would advise to get down to business and adapt great study habits because you do a lot of learning on your own. The teachers are there to help you so ask questions and don't be afraid of them. Your social life is not as important as you really think it is. You have lots of time after college and studies to be a social butterfly. Buckle down during these 4+ years and graduate so you can go out into the world and get a great job.
There are so many things that I could change if i were to go back to high school knowing what i know now. Even though this may be I really would not change a thing. To be short, sweet and to the point if I went back and changed things i wouldnt be the person I am today everything has been a learning experience for me. Honestly i would not change that one bit because it has made me the strong person that i am today.
I would have saved up more money to bring to college with me. I also definately would have broken up with my boyfriend, who wasn't good for me beforehand and not let someone else lead my life. I lost two to two and a half years of fun and experience because I listened to him and didn't go out and have fun with my friends. I also would have tried to participate more with student government and tried to be more active in fewer groups, but more dedicated to those groups. There are some things that I would go back and try or go to experience that I ran out of time with, like some different on campus activities. I would have been more involved in intramurals earlier and tried different ones. I also would have tried to do my work earlier and hand it in to be reviewed or asked questions instead of just handing it in when it was due. Overall, I wish I used my time there more wisely and enjoyed more, even though I did enjoy a lot as it was.
You will miss college when it is over, so enjoy your experience and get involved!
The advice I would give myself is to not slack off. To prepare myself for what is coming ahead because I can't rely on my institution to do that for me. I would tell myself to focus srongly on the future and embrace the changes that are coming instead of focusing on the thing I did in the past because they'll only hold me back from my goals. I would tell myself to be confident and go for what I want because those are the people that thrive in college.
I would tell myself not to bring too much junk, to try harder on my grades in high school, to be open to meeting new people and to step out of my comfort zone.
Follow your heart and make your choices based on what you want. Don't let any one else influence your decisions negatively. Make good friends and be willing to work in groups with others and help others. Think about tutoring kids in Physics.
Finding the right college is all about the desires and needs of the student. High school seniors/juniors looking at schools need to remember that choosing a school is their choice and no one else can make the decision for them. Parents sometimes like to give their input and try to persuade their child to go to a school that they feel is right for them but the choice that matters at the end of the day is the student. Students looking at colleges should visit them in person, do research on the schools, and talk to counselors and students. The best way to see what a school is like is by contacting a student one on one, so that they can get the real, uncensored, truth about what it is like to go to that school. But all in all, a student will know what school they want to attend when they visit a place and it just feels right to them, no matter what anyone else says. Overall, college is a new beginning where a person can find themselves , discover what they truly love while having a once in a lifetime experience