SUNY at Fredonia Top Questions

What should every freshman at SUNY at Fredonia know before they start?


Find somewhere you will feel comfortable. Thats's most important.


Students, go where it feels right for you. Don't be afraid to ask questions, no matter how stupid. It's okay if you don't know what you want to do for the rest of your life, you'll figure it out eventually. No one expects you to know at 17 and still in high school. When you do choose a college, get involved. It makes a big difference on how you rememer your college experience and you meet a lot of people while doing. Just don't forget that academics come first. It's extremely easy to lose sight of that while you're doing so many great things. Parents, support the fact that your kids are going to college at all. Who cares what your kid decides what they want to do? As long as they're happy then you should be too. They'll figure it out as they go along, just like you did. Give them the freedom to learn and experience. This is the time in life when we learn a lot of the important basics for being an adult, and we can't do that if you're still trying to "baby" us.


Go somewhere where your child's or your skills can be recognized, pushed, and maximized. Any institution that asks unquestioning submission to its methods likely does not deserve it. Go to a place where respect is earned by the faculty and students, not a place where any if given or asked for unreasonably.


When you start looking at colleges with your kids, make sure you know what they need. Help them with deciding what they want to do, make sure that's what they want to do. If it's something like business or teaching, see if they can shadow someplace for a day. Most kids only need to see once that what they thought was great was actually the wrong choice. Also, don't just consider academics. I nearly went to a conservative Catholic college because it was close and had teaching. I'm a liberal and a lesbian and if I had gone there, it would have been the worst choice for me. I only considered it because I got early admissions whereas I applied last minute to Fredonia, got in, and now I love it so much I can't even consider the thought of leaving!


pick the college that you get a great first impression of...


In order to find the college that will be the best choice, One has to find a college that offers the major that he is looking for. One has to look at the college and see if they can picture themself on campus. For example, if one is looking at a college in the city, and they can't see that; try a rural college. Also, one should look for a college that offers many things that one would not necessarily be able to do right away, but is interested in trying. College is all about learning and experiencing new things; whether it be about yourself as a person, about you interests or even about your future career. For advice about making the most about ones college experience, I have only two words: GET INVOLVED! Colleges offer many diverse organizations to be a member of; whether it be in sports, in music, or even in a multi-cultural group, such as Gay- Straight alliances, or a group to bring together certain racial groups. To make a college experience something that one is going to look back on and smile, one has to get out and get involved!


Go look at the colleges, talk to the students. Don't just look at the paper facts, talk to acutal students. Don't take the student tour guides word for things, they are slightly biased!


I think the only advice I would give is to do researches and know the history of the college and/or succes stories from people who people who studies there.


I would suggest to pick a campus that fits you. Make sure you visit the school because I think that is the most important part. When I chose SUNY Fredonia as soon as my tour was over I knew it was the school for me. The atmosphere, the people and just the general feeling a person gets when at a particular school it was means the most. Do not go where your parents, siblings or friends want you to go, do what is best for you. Also do not be nervous to put yourself out there. I tell everybody that I know that is going to college to go AWAY to college. It will be the best experience of your life. Uou will meet so many new people, acitvities, have responsisbilites and most important you will find yourself and who you are. And to all of the parents, let go of your child I promise you they will be absolutely fine. I know it will be tough for you but sooner or later you will have to, just let go now. They will not forget about you, I promise. And that would be my advice to parents and students.


Make sure to visit! They will know what school is right when they see it!