SUNY at Fredonia Top Questions

What should every freshman at SUNY at Fredonia know before they start?


What i have gotten out of my college experiences are that i have the tools and technics to make an impact on my field. i believe it is valuable to attend because now we dotn know whats going to happen to our futures, but whatever happens we have something big that we can fall back on that wont have a us worrying about where our next meal will come from. my other experiences are that before i was quiet and kept to close group of people, but this experience allowed me to stand up and let myself have a voice. it gave me the oppurtunity of what i need to do to succeed in life in general and that some arent always on my side and that i cant let those people hold me back in what i believe and what i want out of life. i have lived a life of not having going to school and i found out that i struggled more than i do when i am in school. this has allowed me to get my priorities straight and to focus on what i want for myself.


My college experience so far as been exciting and rewarding. This is the first time I have been away from home for longer than a week at a time, but living on campus in the dorm is great. I have made so many new friends, especially of the girls on my basketball and lacrosse teams. The girls in my dorm are special. It's like we are all part of a family. If someone needs something, all we have to do is ask for it. I was so scared my first week of school, but the professors and coaches want the students to suceed. That was made evindent when we were told we could go to any of them for extra help or make-up work. I am the fourth child of five and the first to go to college, so I take great pride in what I am doing. I know I have to have a good education in order to have a career later in life, and that is what I want. A career, not just a job.


As a graduate student now at a different college, the feeling of Fredonia always stays with me. The college I am at now does not have the atmosphere that Fredonia has, which makes it difficult to feel pride going there. Fredonia is a college that is accepting of all, where there is plenty to do socially, but academics are always top priority. Through my four years at Fredonia I made some ofthe best friendships that I still have today. Many of the friends I made at Fredonia I have travelled with, were in my wedding, and are people I still talk to on a regular basis. The social piece of Fredonia is very welcomed and encouraged. The strategies I learned in my education classes are still strategies I use today with my students in my own classroom. I think that the tools Fredonia gave me to succeed helped me find a job that I have had since I graduated in 2008, and be a successful teacher today. Fredonia taught me how to be the best teacher possible, which in turn, has helped my students succeed greatly.


Out of my college expierence I have gotten a sense of responsibility and independence. I have learned how to take care of myself and be responsible for my actions, since there is no one here to take care of me. It is valuable to attend college because it teaches you how to become your own person. College is an experience that everyone should embark on especially dorming because you are put into uncomfortable living quarters with random strangers and you learn how to cope and handle different situations.


I have learned many things from college so far. First, I learned how to budget my time better. This has become extremely useful in my life outside of school already. Secondly, having to pay for college on my own has taught me the value of a dollar. I no longer spend money on pointless items. I constantly think about if I really need to spend money on an item before I buy it. I also reuse old dresses now instead of buying new ones that I would only wear once. Lastly, college is teaching me how to make decisions and work out problems on my own. I no longer have teachers helping me every step of the way or a friend to guide me through a problem. I am truly learning what it is like to be treated as an adult. Overall, college has had a positive impact on my life.


My college experience consists not only of the knowledge I've gained from the courses I've taken, but the people I have met and the activities in which I participated. I have made so many connections with people from all over the world, including professors and some I call friends. What I find intriguing is how strangers can come together and create something unique or learn something new and grow together. There are so many oppurtunities at hand, one just has to reach out and go for them. I believe my professors are a valuable resource who, when I show interest, will go to great lengths to help me. IIn my opinion the value in any college experience is what one makes of it. It could be the most valuable thing to one and mean nothing to another. I make the most of my college experience and I think one day my education and experiences will take me places.


Choosing a two year community college for my first year of college was the best decision I have ever made. Community colleges do not usually have the best reputations. It is seen as the ?easy? way out, or for the people that did not do all that well in high school. My choice of going to this type of college would not change even if I got accepted into the best well known college! One of the most obvious reasons why community college was so great is because of the cheap tuition. In these economic days it is hard for people, like my parents, to pay for such high expense schools. Community college is about one fourth the costs of a local state college, never mind private college institutions! The one on one small class size made the learning environment comfortable. I learned a ton of interesting facts, and if I did not understand something the teachers would gladly stay after to help. At the community college I was treated as an equal by the teachers. This school helped me gain confidence, self assurance, and maturity. Community college helped steer me into the path of my future career!


I have gotten a sense of self-worth, pride, and a boost of self-esteem. It has been valuable to attend because I have learned that just because you think you cannot do something to not give up on yourself, and not to let others get you down. As a single mother, going back to school is a huge accomplishment for not only myself, but my daughter as well. This experience will help provide a better future for us, which I believe is what we all really want in life.


I learned a lot of life lessons through living in the dorms and attending classes. I learned responsibility being a resident assistant for three years. I learned how to help others while still being responsible for myself and my education. The most difficult class I took was in my last year; I started out failing, because I thought I knew everything. My professor, and his course material taught me that I didn't know everything, and that I needed to work hard, no matter what. Because of the great progress I made I was able to get an A in the class, I also learned my self discipline, and strengthened my drive for excellence. I take every opportunity I can to learn, and I don't take it for granted. Not everyone is blessed with the opportunities to learn.


I am a mother returning to school after ten years. I was very scared and everyone was very supportive and helpful. I feel like I am set up at school to be sucessful. The teachers care about their students and I have a chance to learn hands on.