SUNY at Fredonia Top Questions

What should every freshman at SUNY at Fredonia know before they start?


Make the best of college and enjoy every minute of it!


Make sure to visit the campuses and pick the one that feels right. Make sure you put yourself out there, don't seclude yourself from the rest of campus. Don't drink too much, and have fun.


choose a campus that you feel comfortable with, and it will help you succeed in school


When you choose your college, you need to find a few important things. I am a firm believer in the pyramid called Maslow's hierarchy of needs. What it says is you need a few basic things before you can attain higher learning and achievment. You need to have all your instinctive needs met-such as food, sleep, shelter and water. You also need to feel safe and secure, otherwise you will nto be able to learn. When looking for a college, you should focus on the living part of it as well as the class part. It needs to be a place where you feel safe, where you can get food and proper sleep, good exercise, fresh air, and good socialization and interaction with other people. It can't be too big or too small for you.


I believe that college is a very valuable experience in one's life that only comes around once. You grow intellectually as well as individually. At college, a student will learn a great deal about the world and themselves. They will be given chances to make new friends and experience many new things that are unique to the college environment. They will have the chance to discover who they are as well as their values and goals. Because the college experience only comes once for most students, it is important to find the college that is right for that individual. You want the best college experience possible so you would want that experience to be in the best possible environment. If their choice isn't the right one, the student or parent won't be getting the most for their money. Remember that college is more than just an education, it's an experience.


Always reconsider your preferences. I though I had to be in a city but have surprisingly loved my experience in a rural community. Small schools over a different type of college experience. In a city you do not have to socialize with your student body if you choose not to. In a rural school there really isn't anyone else to socialize with and you tend to get to know your student body in a much more intimate way. Also, look at the program that you are going into. SUNY Fredonia offers an amazing music education degree but their business degree is nothing to write home about. NYU has an amazing business degree but not the best music education. For me Fredonia made sense and I would not change my mind for the world. Think about what is best for your future and education, the social scene will come if you want it to and are open to new things.