SUNY at Fredonia Top Questions

What should every freshman at SUNY at Fredonia know before they start?


Being an adult student has been challenging enough. Having to balance full time nursing school on top of a full time job and three small children has been difficult. But taking that first step and going to my first day of classes was the smartest thing I have ever done. My college expierence has not only given me knowledge that I wouldn't have otherwise had, it has given me confidence, self esteem, and pride. I am very proud to be attending one of the best Nursing schools in the state. I am amazed at my abilities and my grades. To be completely fair, Harper College has a lot of resources available that I have taken advantage of. But this expierence is not only going to help me become a nurse and better myself, what I am teaching my children as they watch me go to school and watch me study is something that a lot of other parents don't get the chance to do. Going to college has been an amazingly rewarding expierence for me and is giving me a chance to set an example for my children.


Without college I would not possess the sense of direction that I do now . It has forced me to really think about my future. Four years goes by incredibly fast and that is proven in the few months that i've been here. Within these few months, I have made decisions at college that I wouldn't have been able to make otherwise. I have been forced to actually think about my future as reality and have had to think about where that future is. What I will be doing, and where I will be doing it. If I was not attending college at this moment, life would be passing by much slower than now. My mind would not have to process what it does not, and I would not really know what I wanted out of life. Now, I do.


From my short, yet incredible, college experience, I have received an entirely new perspective on the life that I am leading. College has opened my mind and allowed for me to take in and appreciate everything that the people in our world have to offer. Whether it be in a class, in a dorm hall, or in the coffee shop, SUNY Fredonia has introduced me to a plethora of diverse individuals, all having something different to enlighten me with. Often, individuals complain that they're paying too much for their college education, but I completely disagree. There is not a price one could name that would match all that I have gained from this experience so far. I have been educated in so many genres of life, be it religion, diets, traditions, and even theories, and there is nothing in this world that could substitute for or replace the knowledge I have gained from this experience. It is honestly impossible to list all that one may gain from attending college. The lessons are infinite.


When I first went to college I know now that I was too young and inexperienced and unfocused. I had to do a lot of different jobs and go through many experiences, good and bad, to discover what I wanted in life. Now, I've finally got the nerve to go back to school and realized it was ok to have my passion also be my career. My first years in school were fun but I wasn't ready to learn. Now, even though I just turned 40 I'm truly ready to learn and fulfill my purpose. I am ready for a degree and so enjoy learning information that will become my career. I am ready.


I have not yet been to college. However, i am looking forward to the experience i will have meeting new people and making new friends. Also i know going to college is a great opportunity for anyone to do if they want to further there education into basically anything they choose. I know i want tofurther my education into the medical field and become an nurse.


I have not had the typical college experience. I was not overjoyed to experiment with my newfound freedom, and I did not feel as though I could finally rebel. I already have my own personal growth and experiences. However, college has given me complete confidence in the person I am, and the decisions I make. College is valuable to me because it is the gateway to a successful, and meaningful future. Without it, I could not live content with myself knowing I did not push myself the farthest. This is why I decided against the typical college partying, and the crazy rebellion that gets most students expelled or in other trouble. I know that I need to succeed here, in order to build a solid foundation of responsibilites which I can stand on for the rest of my life.


The advise i would give myself would be to concentrate on myself and to realize that college isen't easy. I would make sure that i knew to take things seriously during my last year of high schoool, and to help myself by concentrating on my grades, so that i could get into a really good college right out of high school. I would tell myself to make sure that when i start college that i never loose who i am as a person and to always keep my head up and stay positive. Also that things will not be easy and that once you start college you are an adult and there are alot of tough decisions you will have to make and not to give into peer pressure. The reason i am going to college is so i can grow as a woman and so one day when i get out of college i will be a successful woman in my field. Leaving highschool is a big step and i am a strong woman with a big heart who can do anything that i want to do in life.


Knowing what I do know about making the transition from High School to college, I would tell my high school senior self to be fearless. I would tell myself that it's alright to speak up and make myself vulnerable, as that is the best way to meet people and make new friends. I would also tell myself that I shouldn't stick to my high school friends that I attend college with like glue, because as much as we love eachother, we also need new, exciting people in our lives to make our college experiences complete.


Give yours self time to adjust. If you are having a bad day, remmeber all days are not that bad. I never realized how much responsibility you must take on if you want to stay focused. I would thank my high school teachers for preparing me so well academicly for collage. I would tell myself not to be shy and make more friends. I wish i would make more friends.


To be completely honest, I think I would choose not to tell myself any advice. I have always been able to learn from visuals and pick things up very quickly. If I were to tell myself how things would be in college, I would consider that cheating lifes lessons. It would make things easier but I believe that you need to learn from your mistakes. You can't always have things handed to you, you need to work for them.