When choosing a college, don't simply go for the big name, ivy league schools. Public schools are cheaper and give you the same quality education, if not a better one, than private colleges. Take a tour of the campus and get to know the faculty of the academic department that you're interested in. You'll know which college is right for you when you walk around the campus and can picture yourself going to school there. Make sure that the college you choose has everything that you feel you need to make your experience the best.
Finding the right college is finding the place where you would belong. I knew I didn't want to be anywhere near home but not too far away so I couldn't come home when I wanted to. I fit right in in Fredonia. They had a good program for what I wanted to do with my life. Fredonia wasn't my first choice but I'm glad I made the switch from Potsdam and decided to transfer.
whever you end up just make the best of it. Don't transfer unles it is for a change in Major it will always set you behind. Don't stay in your room, get out!
The advice that I would give to parents would be to keep in touch with your kids. If a student is going away to school the parents have to understand that their kids are going to be very busy and not get aggrivated if they don't receive a phone call every day. To diminish this problem, parents should simply call their kids! For a student to find the right college to attend it is absolutely necessary that they base the decision solely on the needs of his or her self. Never let a girlfriend/boyfriend influence a decision and take into account cost, location, and the majors that are offered.
It takes time! Be patient.
When coming to college, don't ever feel like you have to compromise your personal beliefs or interests in order to fit in with the crowd, or "typical" college activities. You'll mostly likely meet a good amount of people that share your beliefs/interests, so don't worry about not making friends. You earn 100{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of what you get out of college based on what you put in to it. College is a time to work hard, and also a time to find yourself. Try lots of new and different classes, clubs, and activities, in order to get a better feel for what you're good at, and what you like and don't like. Don't feel pressured to figure out your life plan by your second year at college; college is a time for learning and exploration, and you should cherish it. Look at lots of different schools and remember and assess the feeling each campus gave you when you visited. Sometimes your perfect picture of college ends up being a lot different than you thought! Above all else, don't stress! Take life as it comes, and you'll be just fine.
this is the time to discover yourself. So you need to make a choice that best fixs you. I know you wanta do what your parnet say and help them out with the tution. But like i said this is your time, so you need to find a program and college that fixs you or else after four years of college you will have a degree in something that isnt useful to you.
If you want to go away then go away. Dont make your decision on just the location. Enjoy everything that the college/campus can offer and put your self out there to make good friends. Try to live on campus because that is how you make the best friends and get involved in more things.
Being in college is the experience of a life time, make the best of it and keep in mind that you never know if you don't like something until you try. Every school has different qualities, you just have to find the one that fits you, what you like to do and what you think will make you a better person in the long run. For the parents it is hard to be away from your kids , but when they leave you then you get to see how beneficial your job of being a parent was.
I think in order to find the right college you have to know what kind of life you want to live for the next four years. Do you want to be at a big school or a small school? What kind of major do you want? Do you want to be far from home or close to home? You have to find a school that's as close to a perfect fit for you as you can find. As for making the most of the college experience you have to get out there and sell yourself. College is all about making yourself who you want to be. Join clubs, make friends! I'd say the biggest mistake I made freshman year was not getting out there and making something of myself on campus. Now I have a good social life and I am in a lot of clubs. It's scary to meet new people and try new things but you'd be amazed at the outcome if you tried a few things that make you nervous. Get out there and work hard, and most of all have fun because these will be the best four years of your life!