Be honest with yourself. If you know you can't be too far away from home, don't go that far. College might not be the last step of your education, or the college you choose may not be the last college you go to, so don't sweat it too much. Have an idea of what's important to you (size, location, educational offerings) it helps to narrow down the search. Also, don't disregard seemingly unimportant interests. For example, if you love sports, don't go to a school that doesn't have an extensive athletic program just because it has good academics. There's most definitely another school out there that has the academics and the sports. College is an experience so its not ALL about the education. If you're open to new people/places/expereinces you'll get a lot more out of college and you'll grow up a lot more too. Regardless of the schooling, this IS one of the best times of your life so be sure you enjoy it too. Also, join clubs, you will meet so many more people that way. = )
Think carefully about what kinds of things you really enjoy. Although you should let your friends and family give you advice about where to go to college, do not let them push you anywhere. Where you go should be your decision and you should be happy with this decision since. Now you're an adult, and your future is in your own hands.
Once you get into college, take time to explore your surroundings and imagine yourself at home and comfortable. Find places that you really like being and keep those places in mind for later.
Try to find people who have similar interests as you. Once you make friends, value and cherish them. They'll get you through all the rough trials that you might have to go through during college.
Study and work hard, but leave time for yourself. Make sure to do things that you've always loved and find people to do those things with. And don't forget the people back home! It's just a phone call away to hear from the people you miss, and there's no shame in feeling homesick.
Good luck! :)
Finding a school that has what you want. Social networking, quailty of education, and awareness of important issues that affect students, graduates and the rest of the world
-academics is first, everything else follows thereafter
-socialize with good people
-Be yourself, don't give into peer pressure: you can make it
-stay focused on your goal
At times, being by yourself is a good thing!
It might take a year at a school to realize it's not right. A kid's dream school could turn out to be awful. Just be open to visiting many colleges and to transfering.
Always remember that college is not for everybody. If you're feelling forced to go to college then maybe it's not for you. When you find the right college you will know right away. You'll just get a good feeling when you visit the campus. Visiting the campus of the college you are applying to is an excellent idea. If you are not comfortable living on a campus it could be detrimental to your education there. When you find the right college and start attending, make sure you try to be as outgoing as possible. Get to know people and make lots of friends. Also, get involved in clubs and sports. This will help you to get involved with school and you will meet some amazing people. Do all of these things and you are sure to make the most of your college experience!
Make sure you visit the colleges and talk to current students to make sure the school you choose is one that fits what you are looking for.
I can honestly say that the past three years at SUNY Fredonia have been the best years of my life. I am dreading graduating this year because that means I will not get to see my favorite people everyday. The thought of leaving Fredonia devestates me. Fredonia is the perfect size school, I am constantly meeting new people but I always see good friends and familiar faces everywhere. The faculty is very helpful and the class size is intimate, ranging from 15-25 students, with a couple of lecture classrooms. The valuable education, best friends I have made and overall experiences have forever changed me and have shaped who I am today.
My key advice is to keep an open mind. I had my heart set on a big campus far away from my hometown but when I wasn't offered enough financial aid, I scrambled to apply to cheaper schools. The school I chose is small and right next to my hometown, but I absolutly love it and I'm so glad that I ended up going there instead of my first choice. And once you get to the school, continue to keep an open mind. College isn't going to be just like high school, but everyone is in the same situation you're in and the more open you are to things, the more you will enjoy your college experience. College allows you to try new things and discover who you are. Without keeping an open mind, you might never discover how to let your inner-self shine.
The best advice I could give someone tfor finding the right college for themseleves, would be to not only look at the school program you are going for, but also look at the school in general. The sports teams, the diffrent groups on campus, class sizes etc.. When your through looking at that and after finding some schools that you think you may really like, I would suggest looking at the area that your school is in and what they have to do around the area.. Would you rather be in a city setting or a county setting? Would you rather be in a town where there is alot to do or a small town where there aren't many stores.. All that stuff is important because If you do not like your college experience, it could talke away four years of your life. Also, it is important to remember that sometimes it may work out if you step outside your comfort zone and experience some things you may not of originally wanted to.