College has been a frustrating experience but has helped me to see being exceptionally bright in high school holds equivalence of average in college. I have learned in my third semester you must stay above the game. Meaning always strive for successes in every homework assignment, every lecture, everything you take time to learn never forget. In college there is always something new to learn and a new teacher to learn from, so adjusting is frustrating but necessary. Work very hard, high school was easy because the teachers taught to the average student -college, you?re on your own -sink or swim you?re paying for it and if you?re like me and don't receive financial aid there is not enough money for... OOPZIES! Success was something that would come in the future- success was a dream that I was slowly building up for myself. But entering into a state college makes success feel like every day is pulling me closer and closer to my dreams and unselfish aspirations. From high school to a college student I have learned hard work is not optional and because I have understood that concept, I will be successful in the future.
When I started college in 2002, I was terrified. I figured that I was going to have the same experience as I did in high school; I would be laughed at for asking questions and made fun of for trying too hard to fit in. At the start of my college career, I told myself that I was going to focus on my studies and let everything else fall into place. That is the best thing that I could have done. I was able to enjoy schoolwork and the people around me while discovering my true self. My college experience as well as professional experiences while in college have molded me into the strong person that I am today.
I strongly believe that you get back what you put in to college. We are a single income family, so broadening my career horizons, allowing me to earn more income for my family, is essential. A few weeks ago, one of our neighbors had an explosion in their home. This sparked a fire that destroyed our home and everything in it. We lost every possession we owned. This event really did a few things for me. It made it all that much more important that I continue my education so that some day we can afford to replace the things we lost to the fire. The fire also made me very aware of an existing need to care for people who are injured, but specifically, by fire. People suffering from burns require a lot of care, and who is more capable of understanding their needs, but some one who has been through a similar ordeal. Through all of this, I have managed to maintain a 4.0 GPA. The teachers at my college have made this possible. Their teaching process is so easy to understand. Through this process, my college has given me a future; a better future.
My experience at SUNY Potsdam has been a rich one. Living on campus has exposed me to many different ideas and lifestyles, and I believe that my view of the world has been greatly expanded. The value of education here is great, but even the professors and staff stress going out and living life, encouraging students to take acceptable breaks from studying and writing papers to go out, have fun and relax. Typically, professors will encourage many school-based events that are applicable to the subject matter we're studying in class. This tends to give people a break from the classroom setting, while still encouraging them to learn without someone lecturing at them. The classes can still incorporate a heavy workload at times, but they're still relatively stress-free. It's almost relaxed, while still keeping the expectation that you will try to learn the subjects. Overall, the atmosphere is what has made this such a valuable college experience.
An education so I can obtain a well paying job.
Assuming i had the chance to go back in time and speak to myself as a high school student, the most important thing i would tell myself is that i can do it. Upon coming into college the fear of failure is lerking aroud every corner. The classes require more input than in high school but you are capable of completing each with the best of your ability.
High school classes and teachers try to get you ready to enter the new enviornment and be able to coop with the changes. The self doubt is what drives you to do the best you possibly can and allow for improvement on topics you thought you knew.
Overall, the fear of not knowing how well youll be able to do once finally enrolled in classes is scary and nerve racking. However, there is no need to worry every second of the day because there are people willing to help and further your success. Thus, i would tell myself that it is possible for me to accomplish my goals and not fear the transition from home to college.
Looking back and being able to talk to myself as a high school senior would be immensely helpful. I would tell myself to think rationally about finances for college and to ignore the pressure to declare a major right off the bat. Instead of jumping right into a four-year college without a defined plan, which I did, I should have taken the chance to attend a two-year community college free of charge on account of my good grades. This would have given me time to feel out different career paths and make a sound decision concerning a major. Also, I wouldn't have to be concerned about paying back student loans quite as soon. I would reiterate to my high school self that doing what you love is the most important thing in life, and no one can tell you what makes you happy except you. Truly, if I had this opportunity to go back in time and talk to the younger me, it would have made a huge, beneficial difference in my life.
I would tell myself to not give up. I was rejected from Crane, and had to work really hard my first semester at SUNY Potsdam to get in, but I did it. I would tell myself not to lose hope, because the first semester is the start of something wonderful and life changing. I would not tell myself about my ex-boyfriend, because even though I was in a depression for two month after he dumped me, it helped make me into the woman I am today. I would tell myself to have fun and enjoy the first semester. I would be very careful what advice I gave, because through my many mistakes I became a better, stronger woman. My last piece of advice would be to be strong and brave, because I went through a lot of tough times, but in the end they have all been worth it.
I have an advice that I gave to myself: Have fun, keep your mind on the books, get awesome grades, and don't think for one minute that you're going to give up everything you've worked hard for.
I would tell myself to look into financial aid optoins more thoroughly before going to college because if I had I would possibly be going to college for free. Other than that, I would tell myself to be myself and by doing that I will find life long friends. By being myself and giving others a fair chance I have made some of the best friends I have ever had in my life and have had a very positive experience.