SUNY College at Potsdam Top Questions

What should every freshman at SUNY College at Potsdam know before they start?


My advice is to get general education requirements from a community college, as they will most likely all transfer and is a lot less expensive. I would advise against taking very many field related courses, as they will more than likely not transfer very well. The Best thing to do is to figure out what 4-year school you want to go to, and check the transfer tuation. And of course once in school do not waste your money; take as many classes as you can handle and go to school to get an education, not a party life. That does not mean no fun at all, just have consideration for those who are paying out of pocket to give you an education.


Make sure a choice college provides the right physical as well as academic environment conducive to your optimum learning experience and maximum success


Truly consider whether your child should become dependent/independent. I sometimes wonder if I might actually fare better if I were to remove myself from my parents (their income is too high for me to be awarded with financial aid, yet they won't pay for a dollar of tuition). Make sure that when you find the right college you are involved with clubs. Clubs and organizations are great ways to network and meet great people (friends and professional references).


I think that it is important that the student visits the college before they decide to go there. While there, the student should talk to professors in the field that they are interested in so that they can get a feel of how the department is run. Students could also see if they are able to get contact information from alumni that graduated from the field that they are interested in so that they could contact them and get their views on the program and the school. While at college, I would suggest to become as involved as possible to make the most of the experience. I have been involved in about 15-20 clubs and organizations while at SUNY Potsdam. I have been the President of our Greek Counsel for the last two years and that has given me many skills that will help me in the future. Getting involed will make the college experience much more memorable. Lastly, studying is important. You go to school to learn, so while you're there, learning new things will benefit your life much more then skipping class and disregarding your work. ILOVESUNYPOTSDAM!


Pick a college that has a major that you want and offers classes that fulfills that major completely. Look for a school that is comfortable for you, and be truly honest with yourself about what you want. I personally HATE dorming, but am getting through it until I can find off-campus housing. Think about what you want in a school: class size, dorming, location, school size and make that a part of your search. Make sure you visit the colleges you are applying to. Things can sound great in your head, but your mental picutre of the school may be completely different from the actual school. When you walk onto the campus of the school you will attend, you will know it. You feel at home and at peace. You can picture yourself there.


In finding the right college, you have to consider wha tis best for you. Go on open houses and ask questions to see if the campus and it's students go along with your values and ideas. Their are so many differnet colleges out there, so take your time and look for one that has the major/majors you want, the classes that you are interested in taking, and clubs that you would want to join. It's not all about classes thougha nd to make the most of your college experience you have to get involved in clubs, and/or sports. Go to events sponsered by your college, like Comedy Shows, Picnics, Concerts and other activities.


Make sure the college has the right feel for you, a home like feeling where you are not presured or held back from your dreams. Making life long friends, participating in events, clubs, and sports (varsity, co-ed, or just for fun) is worth the college experience and you learn so much both in and out of the class room that everything you learn will benifit you in one way or another. Take every chance you get to explore the world around you and every oppertuinity offtered to you.


I would tell anyone that it is important to do your research prior to choosing schools to visit/apply to. If you have a major in mind, find a school that is known for that field, even if it is a famous school or a rarely heard of school. Know what size you're looking for, and be sure to visit each campus that you may attend, because you will get a feel for the campus right away. You make the most of the college experience by working hard in your courses, and also getting involved with clubs, organizations, and/or performing arts groups. This will be where you make the most friends and remember most of your college experience.


When picking a college don't think of what everyone else says is the most important. Don't think that going to a private school is so much better because they degree is worth so much more no matter how many people tell you. Pick the school that is best for you. Pick the one that you feel comfortable in and can feel like a second home for you. No matter what anyone says feeling like you fit in to your college environment can be more important that the degree it gets you. What degree you get doesnt matter as much as how you use the skills you obtained in your four years at college.


make sure to start looking as soon as possible and visit before making decisions. If they offer the choice of staying at the school before going while students are there take it!