Learn how to study. Many High School students get by with decent grades without actually studying- but find they don't really know how to study and learn material when they are in college, where the classes are much more challenging. Get involved in campus activities as soon as you get to school. They help you make friends and build a support system. Study abroad. There is no greater teacher than to go out and experience the world, gaining infinite perspective. Keep in touch with your family. Now that you're out of the house you just might find that it's easier to talk to your parents, siblings, etc. You don't want to lose those connections; now is the time to build real adult relationships that will last forever. Don't let a romantic relationship consume your life and govern all your decisions. You will lose yourself in that relationship and down the road might just look back and realize you didn't get to do everything you wanted to during the best and most important years of your life.
Since I am an aspiring athlete I would advise myself to attend a college which would best assist me in achieving my dream of becoming a professional athlete. I have attended the State University of New York at Potsdam with the purpose of recieving an excellent education, but the athletic aspect has been a major short-coming. I would advise myself to find an equally excellent education at a different school with a better athletic program.
Okay, so when you get there you're going to be scared and unsure of how to meet friends. You won't have curfews & someone will invite you to a party. If you go, be safe. Go with somebody you trust. There'll be alot of activities to do on & off campus, don't hesitate to join a group of interest, or at least go to one of their meetings to learn what they're about. If you don't participate in the extracurriculars you'll miss out on alot & partying is not what really matters. Develop & create who you want to be, forget about popularity contests, make the most of your education, you're paying for it. Money issues might stress you out, but online resources, the financial aid office & FAFSA will help. It's worth it to take a chance, see where it can bring you, who you will meet, & what you will learn. This is the time of your life, live it to the fullest. Try, if you fail, try again, learn, ask questions & introduce yourself to others, they're just as intimidated by you as you are of them. You will look back and be proud.
Keep in mind that college is only four years. It is important to get out, explore new things and take chances to meet friends. Your college friends are your family, so try to stay out of petty drama, although, it is unavoidable. The best way to avoid conflict is to communicate. Don't worry about not fitting in; there are enough people on campus where you will find your clique. Choose a college based on the overall atmosphere rather than just academic programs. Academic programs are very important, but if you aren't happy with the energy of the campus, you may not get the most out of college. Don't worry about not knowing what you want to do in life, just get into an academic program that is challenging and interesting. Learn to leave your comfort zone and explore the world because soon you will be in the real world and will not get as many chances as you will now.
College is not about drinking/ partying. It is about growing into a responsible adult who will contribulte positively to society, and learning the most you can about your occupation to give back as much as possible. Remember to take a break once in a while from academics and make friends- they can help relieve some of the stress you are feeling, but never forget why you are truly at college.
Do not pick a college based on what your friends are doing: Do what feels comfortable and safe to you. Pick a school that fits your needs and where you can see yourself livng and growing. Do not be afraid to go to a local school until you can figure out what you REALLY want to do.
Apply everywhere, visit everywhere you get accepted, choose the college that suits you (not just your wallet) and have a blast there!
It's not necessarily the reputation of the major or academic program to look into, but the ability to make the most of what's given to you. Even if the school doesn't offer many social activities, it is possible to find people and activities to participate in. Be yourself and be relaxed and open to the possibilities and opportunities around you. Take advantage of off-campus studies, be social, and don't be afraid to venture into the surrounding towns and country side! You will be surprised how much more you will enjoy your college experience if you enjoy the outdoors and get to know the town and locals!
Take a tour of the campus before applying (do it during the school year to see the students out and about)
Choose a school based on its academic merits, but also take into consideration it's proximety to home, the weather conditions of the town and just the overall feel that you get when you walk onto the campus. Gut feelings really say something about what you're feeling, even if you can't put it into words. Also think about the size you want in a school. That's really important. You're the one attending the school, so you have to do whatever's right for you, even if others scoff.
Find out as much as you can about each school before you make your decision. Go to their website, visit the school, talk to students; get an overall feel for what life is like there. As for making the most of the college experience, don't let fear hold you back. Going to a new place and being on your own for what is probably the first time can be terrifying. But don't let it keep you from branching out. Engage in extracurricular activites, join clubs, meet new people. It'll be scary at first, but believe me, it's worth it.