SUNY College at Potsdam Top Questions

What should every freshman at SUNY College at Potsdam know before they start?


Don't attend a college just because your parents want you to go there or you have friends going to that one. Make sure you take your time in choosing what school is perfect for you because its going to be your home for 4 years.


visit your school at night ...


Searching for colleges with your desired progrm and visiting all the schools you are considering helps you determine where you want to go pretty quickly. Keeping active within your college community makes your college experience the best it can be.


The only thing i can tell you about deciding which college to attend IS TO VISIT THE PLACE! At my school there was too many people who basically went to college "to be far away from parents." These people, I feel, made the wrong decision. Yes, they were so far away from their parents they went insane, but for them to be "stuck" in a place they made fun of all the time, made me sick. If they would have visited the place, they would have realized that this college was not for them at all. Secondly, I would say to be involved. There is nothing more wonderful then having a group or groups of people that become your new close-nit family. There are plenty of clubs organizations and soprts teams that allow you to do this. Also, getting a job will help you interact with students on a daily basis. Lastly, Be sure to check out the food. What helped me choose my school is that it was 2nd in place for great food in the SUNY system...and they werent lying when they said that. I am so glad I chose my college based on my advice