SUNY College of Agriculture and Technology at Cobleskill Top Questions

What should every freshman at SUNY College of Agriculture and Technology at Cobleskill know before they start?


Follow your heart and your dreams. No one can make the desicion for you.


follow you r heart and you dream will follow... make friends and make your grades


To students I would say work hard in high school so you can get in the college of your choice. I was not able to go to my first choice until now (fall 2009). I had to go to Cobleskill before i could go to Oneonta. Oneonta has the major I need. To parents I would say just be prepared for the years to come. I know my parents were worrying about how to pay for my year at Cobleskill. Anyway, Good Luck to you all!


Advice, if any to give, would be that when making a decision, be sure to visit the campus, go on a tour. Also, make sure that they offer what the student needs to obtain a degree. Dont go right with the first choice, investigate early during the junior year in high school. When the college is chosen, to make the most of it, be sure to get involved with campus activites, otherwise you will find yourself doing nothing, bored, or even worse getting into trouble, or doing things that you should not. Live on campus, it for a better experience than living with mom and dad. One last important thing to keep in mind when searching for a college, is to optimistic, (parents- be willing to let your child go) (students- be willing to try new things, change is good).


Go were you will feel good, and were you feel you can get the best education!


do the homework first and then party, everyone will be happier in the end


pick a fgood one


Ask alot of uestions, about everything!!!


To make sure that it is the right enviroment for your child. To also make sure that they like what they are going for, if they do not enjoy it then they should not waste the time doing something they do not like.


Unless you are willing to live in a rural place and have almost no means of public transit this isn't the school for you.