Syracuse University Top Questions

What do you consider the worst thing about Syracuse University? Why?


people do not associate with people outside their race


Even though we are culturely diverse, there seems to be a division between races when it comes to who you hang out with. Makes it hard to make friends. There's alot of elitism.


The transportation system to go to south campus-there are not enough buses during the day to take all students to south campus and manley on one bus. There needs to be more than one bus every ten minutes. Buses need to run every five minutes or less


The worst thing about Syracuse would be the weather. Everything is so gorgeous and great when it is nice out but that only lasts for about 2 months of the year (1 month of which you don't really get to enjoy because of exams). So that is my major gripe with Syracuse- the cold and the snow/rain.


The weather is the worst thing. Some of the students are snobs, but there is such diversity that you won't have to befriend or interact with those students much if at all.


The lack of school spirit has always been an extreme annoyance to me. It may be because of my studies within the arts department, where school spirit is not very high on the list of priorities for most of those who teach there. I think there needs to be a change in focus for the school in becoming less monetarily focused, but more so about bringing people together in pride for their school; so that when they graduate their love for their school beyond simply having that school's name on one's resume.


I love my school. The worst things are probably the football team and the construction. Most of the construction is done now or will be done soon, I was just there during the transition. Oh! and the Chancellor, I really am not a fan. But overall, I love the school.


Freezing Cold Winters(negatives) and the rare chance that classes ever get cancelled!


the department of public safety. bucause they never do their job right


Lack of interest in student input.