Temple University Top Questions

What are the most popular student activities/groups?


The activities that Temple offers was a big turn-on for me. There are soooo many clubs to join...as well as varsity and intramural sports teams. Since i don't live on campus...i know that i miss out on a lot of the goings-on...but i still feel like i am a huge part of the school. They offer things like fall fest and spring fling to bring all the students together.


I didn't think Greek life was big here before I came, but their presence is definitely felt on campus.


Personally, I am a brother of Alpha Epsilon Pi fraternity, and we are recognized for being very involved with campus activities. The Greek community recognizes us for our academic achievements, as we have the highest cumulative GPA out of all other fraternities on campus. The Greek community is really important to campus functions, as they sponsor a lot of events campus-wide. Athletics are pretty big here, especially football and basketball, since they are played closest to the main campus. Soccer, baseball, and softball are all played off campus, so it's hard to watch those games. The party scene is pretty good. Most of the time you run into the same people, which helps form friendships quickly.


temple activities and social life are amazing. Being a brother of the best fraternity on campus really allows me to see just how vibrant it is. This past spring fling showed just how great temple's campus is. it was one giant campus party. GREEK LIFE OWNS.


There is alot of support and school spirit for Temple athletics. People party mostly on the weekends. The fraternity/sorority life is not very important. Most students stay up very late just hanging out. The off campus living is great too.


Temple has a great social life. Men's basketball games are extremely popular, but other sports don't have as much of a following. The dating scene is great, and it's very easy to meet members of the opposite sex at class, activities, parties, etc. I met my best friends from my dorm Freshman year, and we stayed great friends. Spring Fling is probably teh biggest party event of the year (As students start drinking around 6 a.m., and don't go to class all day). People party 7 days a week, but mostly Wed - Saturday. Fraternities/Sororities are on campus, but there is not a huge Greek life at Temple, and it is certainly not necessary to join one to have a great social life.


Temple has a variety of social events, functions and clubs. people bond very nicely especially in J and H because everyones door is always open. if your are a partier, there is always a party somewhere you just need to know where to look. but Thursday nights is the campus party night because alot of people commute and are not here on Friday and Saturday nights, and everyone knows where to party on Thursdays...AEPi


I live off campus in center city so its very different for me, i have a huge group of friends and only a few go or went to temple. i would never want to live on campus, the parties and bar scene is terrible.


Temple's social scene has greatly decreased for me over the years. I rarely go to Temple parties because a lot of friends commute now or live way off campus. Athletics aren't as big as they could be, Temple would be better if it were more of a party school, and our spring fling is increasingly becoming overrated.

