Temple University Top Questions

What do you consider the worst thing about Temple University? Why?


The lack of fun and interesting activities.


The crime around my school. temple University is in the middle of North East Philadelphia, which is where two police have died in the line of duty alone this year. In addition over 6 houses right around mine and temple students were occupying were robbed at gun point in one month.


Too many students accepted into the music major, and not enough evaluation. Also, "Race" core requirements are only offered with Black or Asian focus.


Not enough staff


The late hours some clubs start.


The worst thing about Temple University is the neighborhood in which it is located. Although the campus security and Philadelphia police keep the campus extremely safe, it is hard not too feel intimidated by your surroundings especially at night.


The area that my school is located, which I was fully aware of when I applied here. Philadelphia house some of the best university's on our country for my major (Pre-med). It just really sucks that all of the awesome campuses in Philadelphia are in the worst neighborhoods. At least we have good security and police enforcement.


Advising..You can never get an appointment and all the advisors tell you different things


The worst thing about the school is the cost. Its really expensive to go here not even including the cost of books. My major and out-of state residency also drives the cost to attend Temple upward.


The worst thing about Temple is the statistics teachers. My stat teacher was not a very good teacher and I could never understand her. Also she did not teach well and would not explain the formulas she wrote down. At the end of the semester we had to do a teacher evaluation, that you would assume would resolve the problem, but it takes a few years in order for the university to do anything about the professors who get bad evaluations.