Tennessee Technological University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Tennessee Technological University know before they start?


My high school self was blinded by the idea of college. I was ready to go to college but did not know what I was asking for. I was learning more about myself and becoming a more independant person, which is very important as you transition into college. Learn how to be satisfied with being on your own, because you are the only person that can force you to do well and succeed. Choose a college that is right for you, and please do not follow your friends. Don't be scared about making new friends, because the best ones will come to you when the time is right. You don't have to hang around the same old people. Open yourself up. Do not lose yourself in your studies, but make them a priority because it is your future and your future can be absolutely anything you choose if you are willing to work hard enough. Study. Study. Study.


Don't freak out to much. A lot of things happen in college that you can't change. If you have to move to a new residence hall, just do it. If you aren't doing well in a class, then get help in it. I messed up and failed a class because I didn't ask for help, so don't make the same mistakes I did. It's not worth the stress. Make friends; you can meet some of the best and worst people while at college. Some of these people can help you through the darkest of times and will be right beside you through everything. Keep them close, but don't forget to study as well. College is going to be what you make of it, so keep an open mind and don't sweat it. Things happen, and there's not much you can do to prevent it. So study hard and make the most of things.


LIsten to everyone when they tell you to get in to good habits of studying. I always thought that I studied quite a bit in high school but it did not even compare to how much I studied my first semester in college. Also, don't take your senior year "off." I never realized how much it would have benefited me to take the AP classes or dual enrollment. As well as saving time in college, it also saves a substantial amount of money. Speaking of money, work as much as you can over the summer before college begins! You will want to spend money on foolish things much more than you would expect. Also try to eat out only once a week if you can help it. It doesn't seem like a lot at the time, but it all begins to add up after a while. My last bit of advice is to not put any activities in college over your schooling. That's the reason you're there. Do the best you can possibly do. Never be content with a B if an A is in the question and don't forget to have some fun!


Elizabeth, listen to me, you are no longer the high and mighty fish in the sea in college, but that doesn't mean you can't shine a little brighter than the rest. Academics are fine and difficult and challenging, but you don't have to get As to be an interesting and worthwhile person. Go on late night adventures, talk too much, and watch how people are enamored by you. You have a gift of being someone people want to know. Don't lock yourself in your room to study when the world is waiting to meet you.


Time management is a skill that will be a life saver on more than one occasion. When I left high school, procrastination was likely my greatest proficiency. I could not regret anything more than still thinking it was plausible to manage this in college. Loosing scholarship opportunities, missing deadlines, and ignoring schedules were a poor choice that ended in very harsh results. Perseverance and organizing time is key to to success on any campus. Focus and never put off until tomorrow what you can do right now! Trust from experience it is not a bright way to start your first semester. Writing test dates, due assignments, and study times down will prevent the painful process of panic induced deadlines.


Dear self, You aren't as grown up as you think you are. Leaving home is going to be harder than you think and realize. Don't grow up too fast because you don't realize how good you have it yet. When you are applying for colleges, look for ones that offer what you desire but are still close to home becasue that will be the most important thing to you soon. When you get to school, try to stay busy and meet new friends because this will help you transition and not feel as lonely as you are going to. YOU HAVE TO STUDY!! The professors aren't going to hand you your grades, so don't watch Netflix for a week straight before the test. The library is there for a reason and your roomates will be loud so find a private desk. It is ok if you don't make straight A's... C's will make degrees. It is ok to cry, and it is ok to go home if you need to. Don't eat junk all of the time and work out because the gym won't always be free. You can!! Savannah


Stop worring! This town and its people are so nice and you'll be so much happier here. Enjoy the summer, because it'll be a lot of work when you get here, and you'll need to be focused and paying attention to do well. Quit worrying about what the people at your highschool are thinking of you, because the last time you'll have talked to any of them in a year from now is since you graduated. Oh, and you'll meet new people and they'll be like you, because I know you thought you were weird. These people want to do well in school like you and don't care if anyone knows it. Also, you find something you're really passionate about, so don't sit around thinking that your never going to find something that you want to do for the rest of your life. When you get here, join clubs, meet people, and be happy. Most importantly, don't get a meal plan. It's a trap. Plus, you're coming in as a sophomore and don't have to get one, but no one will tell you.


I would tell myself to develop effective study skills and do not slack off on the work load. Slacking off then just made it easier to justify slacking off now or putting things off until last minute. Also, I would tell myself to be more outgoing that I didn't need to only have my little friend group.


Sometimes, life doesn't go the way you expect it to. You often hit bumps in the road, and it could also get a bit curvy. This will happen in college more than you expect, but there are also ways to avoid some of it. For starters, stop being so lazy and apply for scholarships! Every little bit of money helps, and they sure aren't joking when they say "I'm a poor college student!" You should also stop trying so hard to impress everyone. Once you go to college, you aren't going to see many of them ever again. In college, people are so much more accepting. You can really be yourself, or discover who your real self is. The little things- they don't matter as much. The big things- you can handle them. Enjoy your senior year and don't let the worries for next year distract you. You can do it.


Going back to my life in highschool I would change the way that I look at things and take that extra effort to make sure that my education is priority number one. I never cared about my education in school until I got preganant as a senior in high school with a child who would be later diagnosed wtih autism and dropping out of school was my only option at the time. Looking back i wish that I would of taken my education more seriously then so I wouldnt be struggling so hard now to accomplish it.