Tennessee Technological University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Tennessee Technological University know before they start?


Going back I would have to say to myself, "Always remember the reason you are in college." When I got to college I had forgotten the real reason of why I was there. I became one of those students who goes to college does alright, but never studies or really applies himself. My dad had just passed away right before I graduated, and he kept a standard for me while I was in school. In high school I always did my work, I was a great student. But after he died I kind of lost myself, and with that happening I ended up forgetting my purpose. It took me getting put on academic suspension to realize my faults. Ever since then I've been doing tramedously better. New coming students have to realize that college may be a new beginning for them, but they also need to realize just as it's a new beginning it can end very quick. I was blessed to have a second chance, and since then I always make sure I remember why I'm here. The answer is simple, I'm here to better my life and reach my dream as a Software Engineer.


If I could give advice to myself in high school, it would be to do exactly what you're doing. The path I was on was not the conventional one, but it was the right one for me. The mistakes, issues, and the financial hardships I faced all made me the person I am today, and are the reason I am as determined as I am to fulfill my life dream, to go to law school.


As a high school senior, I was quite naive on the idea of college. I was afraid that it would be as scary as some teachers make it out to be, but now that I am experiencing it, I would go back and tell myself to relax and enjoy. College life is so much easier than high school. There are only people that want to be here, and classes are about the content. You never have to worry about listening to morning announcements or interruptions in class to promote some school activity. If you want to know about a school activity, you can check the school website, and if you need help in a class, you look for help. A teacher never forces you to get tutored or attend some extracurricular event. Your education and extracurricular involvement is in your own hands, and you have the power to select your major and keep everything organized to graduate on time. When I take all of this into consideration, I wish I would have relaxed and not have stressed about the uncertainties of college life because it was not worth it.


Hey. Don't be so focused on grades. Be more focused on doing the work and understanding what you're looking at, not what you're supposed to finish and your scedule. Compete with nobody other than yourself - that's how the world works, anyway. What really matters in the end is not how quickly you finished a project, but how well it is done and the confidence you have in the fact that you accomplished and learned something. Also, never apss up the opportunity to do a scholarship. They're tedious and you have to jump through hoops for some of them, but they mean less debt and more education. It's alright not to have a decided major or a direction yet. That is something to figure out in the real world, not in High School. Most of all, love what you do. Don't get forced into a situation just because you think it is the best one, but go with what you love. Community college first, University second. Save money. Plan. Take breaks.


I would tell myself to take things slow, and don't make snap decisions. I would definitely tell myself to not tie myself down with one relationship at the beginning of college because that turned into a financial disaster. Study hard, don't slack off, and you can't get by on halfway paying attention in class. Listen to your parents, their advice doesn't seem right at the time, but you'll regret it if you don't take it. Do things by their rules, it's only for four years, if you don't you will have to put yourself through college. Being on your own like that is much tougher than it seems, you can't get a good paying job without that degree you are in college for, so you will have problems putting yourself through college if you don't take my advice and listen to your parents. Most of all, love, live, and have fun. You'll be working the rest of your life, make the most of what you have and what you are able to do now.


If I could go back and advise my cocky, high school self, first I would tell myself that I wasn't as good as I thought I was. I'm sure I wouldn't even listen to myself, though. The next thing I would tell myself is "there are three things that will make your life in college convenient more than anything: a wind resistant jacket, a pair of waterproof shoes, and an umbrella." I never realized before I went to college how cold and rainy it is outside all of the time. It's terrible! I would tell myself that college isn't what they make it out to be on TV. Just because you're in college doesn't mean that you get to have fun all the time, at least if you're serious about your grades. It's a lot of hard work. Depending on where you go, it's not like TV where everyone is accepting of other cultures and religions, and open minded. Even though there were many aspects I wasn't expecting, if you're serious about school, make good, close friends, and manage your time responsibly, college won't be too bad.


College is full of suprises. Life sometimes smacks you in the back of the head during this time. Fortunately, college is meant for this learning process. Don Meyer once said, "I like to use the 3 'F' words to rule my life: Faith, Friends, and Family." This idea says it all for me. I will admit the transition from high school life to college life is a big one, and the only way to truely make this transition successful is to incoorperate the 3 major "F" words. I have made some mistakes of relying too much on myself for entertainment or comfort. I have also done the opposite and relied too much on one single person other than myself. People have told me that college is a time to find yourself and to make life-long friends. I definitely agree. If I would have actually put this advice and used the 3 major "F" words from the very start, I know my experience here at Tennessee Tech would have been a much more rewarding one by making more friends, sticking to my church family, trusting God with everything, and always leaning on my family for support.


Coming to college I was so nervous about being accepted by people and what this fateful "college experience" would really be like; however, once I got here, everything seemed to fall into place. I'm currently getting a terrific education by who I think are the greatest teachers to be teaching. Also, I have made so many friends who I know will be here for me when I freak out about the next English paper due. And lastly, being here has made me realize that everyone is at least a little nervous about how people perceive them. It doesn't matter like it did in high school who has the latest clothes or shoes, it's finding out who you can count on and why you're here: to get the education you need to make a difference in the world.


I think the best thing I have gotten out of college is the experience of interacting with students from all across the world. I have had classes with students from many different countries. This experience has made me realize that America isn't the only country in the world and there are many different cultures in the world besides our own. When you combine this with a liberal arts education, I think you get a very good and broad educational experience. This school has provided me with this. It is also known as a techological school, so I have learned alot about technology and how to use it. This is a very usefull skill in the modern world where we are exposed to new technologies every day. Even with all the technology education and use at this school, I have still gotten a good liberal arts education in other subjects such as the humanities. All in all I think my education has been very good and well rounded.


The college experience has been very valuable so far. My experience at Tennessee Technological University has provided me an insite into the future. I have met many new people who are studying the same field, and we have become friends and study partners. I believe finding others who are in the same field makes the experience greater than it would have been if I had been studying on my own or in an online situation. It is really hard to put a value on the college experience. It has taught me about the importance of planning and setting goals. This has been the greatest and most exciting time of my life. Meeting people, studying, and becoming an independent person has been valuable to me. I believe the college experience should be looked upon as the time when students are making discoveries about themselves and about their future. For me, college has given me more confidence to go forward with my future plans.