Find out all of the alternate ways to pay for college other than a loan. Use the loan as the last resort.
Figure out what they expect and want from a school and then find that information about the school and mix and match:
-does the school offer the major that you desire
-Environmental Aspects (on campus and surrounding)
-Social Opportunities
-Closeness to home
- and of course, plenty of offered or ability to engage in opportunities of fun according to the student's morals, objectives, beliefs, and wants/loves.
Always be sure to talk to the students before the administration, so you know what concerns (of the students) to be addressed. Also, always check the program accreditations of the department you / your child will be studying in.
Don't go to a college just because your friends may be. Go where you will get the most out of it!
My advice is to find a college that has a similar community feeling that you want and that has characteristics that you enjoy. To make the most of your college experience, I suggest that you do study but also having a good social life by getting involved in clubs, organizations, and groups.
I would tell future students to check out a couple of schools and talk to some of the students, not just the ones that the school has lined up for you to meet. Try to visit the campus at different times, not just when the college has pre-planned days. If you already know what you plan to study, meet the professors and some of those students in that field of study.
Don't rule out your gut feelings. I knew several years before I started college that I wanted to go to Tennessee Tech.
Don't choose a school just because your "friends" are going there. Once you have choosen your school and have been accepted, get involved. Don't stay in your room all the time. Get out there and meet people, at the gym, the library, sporting events and meet your classmates. At lunch don't be afraid to sit with someone new. They may be afraid and are just waiting for someone to start talking to them first. Don't stay in your own little box, you are special and others need to meet you.
Find one that is well suited for you learning style go with a small school or large school depending on your lifestyle.
Visit the college! Meet some students and ask them about their experiences. If you can, sit in on a class and take mental notes on your surroundings. Also, really consider what you would like to do with your life. There are so many awesome opportunities for specific majors out there at every university. Find out what that college is known for.
The key to any aspect of a sucessful college experience is getting involved. That doesn't just mean join a frat or be a varsity athlete, it can also mean to get to know your classmates and become active in study groups and cramming sessions. Also, don't base your decision on who from your high school will be attending, most likely you won't talk to them anyway. Don't choose to live off campus just because the dorms are small. Living in the dorms allows you better access to many things on campus, and keeps your efforts of involvement at your fingertips. By all means have fun in college! If going out and getting hammered is your thing, keep it to a minimum and leave that for the weekends. If it's not, go to athletic events and/or religious and cultural events that are offered. Or choose to do all of the above! Have fun, be safe, and keep your future at the top of your priorities. Afterall, that's why you're here, right?
Pick a college that won't conflict with your personal views and goals. Pick one that you feel will bring out the best in you. Don't feel pressured to do something you don't want to do, because in college the choices you make will follow you.