Texas A & M University-College Station Top Questions

What should every freshman at Texas A & M University-College Station know before they start?


The advice I would give myself if I could go back in time would be that I should be prepared for the most difficult transition anyone at my age and lack of exposure to extreme academics will experience at this early stage in llife. Happy that I became an Eagle Scout and winning a nationwide essay contest that touted my achievements amongst other academic successes while in high school which gained me self-confidence, I would have to remain focused, improve my study skills and realize that I am an adult who will from this time forward, remain self-reliant.


If I could go back to senior year in high school I would start by telling my self to enjoy every minute you've got because, soon you will have to join the real world and you don't kjnow how good you have it. Then I would tell myself that college is a lot more demanding than high school and that you can't fall behind or you will then be fighting an uphill battle ten times steeper than if you just get your things done when you are supposed to. Also despite what I just said and this is the really tough part don't forget to always find time for fun. College is supposed to be the greatest time of your life filled with you best memories, so get out there and make memories. Don't ever let an opertunity pass you by and always thank God for everything he has given you. You have been bleesed with a good family and great friends but never miss out on making more friends. Love the time you have and don't ever waste a minute of it. Life is to short to be depressed. Love yourself.


Pay more attention in your classes


I would tell myself that there is nothing that anyone could have ever said to me that would have prepared me for college more than I was. It is all about facing the things you don't know are coming. Life is 10{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} what happens to you and 90{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} how you react to it. If I were to return to talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself to get out there and try everything because the only way to fail is to not try. Fail forward, so that at least you are still moving when you fail. I would say to not judge others because if you do, you cannot get to know them for who they are. Leadership is about relationships and making the REAL aspect come out. Find out your purpose because that will lead to your passion which will lead to the power and impact you can have on the world. Deal with adversity well by accepting it, adjusting to it, having a good attitude by being flexible, and then pursuing your ambitions and goals. This is what college and also life is about. Get excited for four amazing years.


I would tell myself college is fun, but you still have to study and do well in classes. High school is easy compared to college it would have helped if I had worked a little bit harder I might have been a little more prepared. I would also tell myself to not worry about the big classes. Almost anywhere you go there are gonna be big classes its just the way it is. It was as bad as I thought it was gonna be. Scholarships are another thing that are important. They helped me out a lot, but I had to apply for them which takes time. It is worth it though.


The one bit of advice I would go back and give myself is that even though I applied for many scholarships, I should have put more effort into finding more to apply for. My parents are not financially able to help me and it is up to me to fund my education. I have taken out loans to pay for my education. If I had gotten more scholarships, I would have been able to borrow less. I currently apply for whatever scholarship I can. I believe that whether it is for $10 or for $10,000, it is money I don?t have to borrow. This would be what I would change. I had prepared my self for the transition into college by taking dual credit high school classes. I learned how to ?budget? my time between high school work, college work, and a social life. This ?budgeting ?of time is what I still use . It has helped me find a balance between school work, volunteering, and going out with my friends. Thank you for considering me for your scholarship. It will be a tremendous help and blessing in funding my goal of becoming a Pediatric Pulmonologist. Mary Yantis


Study hard! Start preparing now for a crazy work load, all-nighters, and striving for excellence. Know that perfection cannot be reached but your best is all that matters. So what if you don't have a 4.0, you are doing great just using the talents that you have to achieve your dreams. Keep pressing on! You can do it! When it feels like you're doing horrible in a class, stick it out! Talk to the professor, build relationships with classmates, and encourage one another. Your best is all that matters, and at the end of the day you want to be able to stop, breathe deeply, and tell yourself that you've done everything you can to do your best.


Take everything seriously, school comes first, then have fun later. Do work on time and read before, basically listen to the professors. Not to get morning classes, but if you do make sure you have enough sleep. If you work, just one job that does less than 20 hours a week, because again school is more important!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Wait. Don't go just yet. Figure out what you want to do with your life first. When the time comes. Go full force don't give up and don't stop.


I would tell myself to work harder that first semester of school. I felt like I didn't understand how hard you need to study and how important it is to go out there and get involved. I feel like I also did not join enough clubs my freshman year and that I was not as involved as I should have been. I should have also told myself to make more friends to study with for those hard classes. Studying with a person helps you focus and I know I need that help. I would explain to myself how to schedule my classes wiser and how tierd I would be and that 8am classes would not be very wise! I would also tell myself to go to the help groups on campus that we have like the writting center to help with my projects in class instead of proof reading them myself. I have learned a lot in my first year and would have lots to tell myself if I went back in time. However, I am also glad I learned it the hard way too. I am glad I expirenced the things I did, even if it was hard.