Texas A & M University-College Station Top Questions

What should every freshman at Texas A & M University-College Station know before they start?


The college search process can seem to be a very grueling process unless you know what kind of experience you're looking for. I believe that academics, location, and social atmosphere are cornerstones in helping one make their decision. If you know the size of the community you wish to live in (whether it's urban or suburban), the quality of education you desire, and the level of extracurricular social involvement you are willing to devote, then narrowing down the search process is easy. It is important to visit your school of interest in order for you to accurately answer these aforementioned "cornerstone concerns." Furthermore, all other worries such as finances, living arrangements, and other accommodations seem to simply fall into place once you understand what you're looking for. The easy part is knowing what kind of person you are and what your driving force, or passion, really is. If you truly know this and can assess the environment you see yourself living in for the next few years of your life, the quality of your college experience will be incredible regardless of the institution you attend. In order to have the best experience simply be brave and forthright.


Advice that I would personally give a student is, follow your heart and go somewhere that makes you happy. This is an important concept because the experiences you have in college will change your life forever. If you are happy at a certain place, the better the grades you might get and the friendships you will make will last a lifetime. If you were to go to a college that did not make you happy you will be depressed and sometimes you won't do well in college. Some other advice I can give a student is to trust in your instincts. If you don't like your major, change, if you don't like your professor, talk to them. Let them know how you feel and never be afraid to ask for help. One day that help can bring you a long ways to where you want to be. Don't let anyone tell you different. Don't change who you are for someone else. Do what you want. Most importantly believe in your self, that you can acheive anything and succeed. Don't give up!


Look at Univeristy sizes, and how big the classes are. Also look at what school is better for your major you are interested in. Also look at which social life is most near to your social life right now. And to make the most out of your college experience, accept every invitation, don't discriminate, and be open to everything. You will learn a lot about yourself this way.


When searching for the right college, you must make sure your views align as closely as possible with the university that you wish to attend. These include religious, political, and ethical views from which differences in viewpoints may cause feelings of discomfort while attending a specific university.


Make sure to go and visit the campuses you're considering. You can get a better feel of the atmopshere if you actually visit and take tours of the campus. When on campus take the opportunity to talk to students and get their opinions of their school. Students are more likely to give you honest and unbiased answers more so then the schools website.


Visit all the colleges you can so you can see what life is like on campus and find one that offers what is best for the education you want.


Please visit the campus and find out the environment, the people, and the extracurilulars. Academics are one thing, but having to live in a city for 4 years is life changing and doesnt only depend on the classroom.


Pick one that is uniquely you.


Look at the other students when you are visiting and see that they are healthy and happy. Go to the school that feels right to you and not for reputation, because you will get the most out of a college where you feel most comfortable. While in school become involved in extracurricular activities, because these will provide the life lessons you will need in your career. Try not to stick to one group of people. Meet as many classmates as you can, because in the future you will be collaborating with them. Know all of the resources that each school provides. Many students do not take advantage of them, and you will be surprised at what you find. Relax and find time to devote to your favorite hobbies, sports, or activities in order to keep a balanced workload.


Visit the college before you decide which you decide where you go. In order to get the best experience take the time to get involved and be open to meet new people wherever you go. Meet the people in your dorm. Be open with yourself and be willing to try new things. Listen.