My advice to students loking for the right college is apply for and visit every college you are interested in. Explore your options, research, and ask questions. Find out from actual students what classes and professors are like, and what to expect academically and socially. Pick a college where you feel comfortable and could fit in. Most of all, dont rush your decision, take your time and be sure before you commit. Once you decide and the experience begins, get involved. Be outgoing, make friends, get involved in clubs, greek life, professional societies. Volunteer with service organizations in the community, join a local church or place of worship. Basically, just get plugged in, you wont reget it and you'll probably make many lifetime friends along the way. Finally, keep in mind the main reason you are in college: getting a diploma. Don't let your social life get in the way of making good grades. Take your studies seriously and put forth the neccessary effort to excel academically. If you learn to balance school and your social life, you will be well on your way to having a successful and fulfilling college experience.
Find the college that best suits your personality. Try and go to a particular college for the right reasons. Stay focused in your search for the college that fits you best. To the parents: Help guide your child through the many processes that are involved with choosing a college. Be sure not to pressure your child into joining a certain college because it is where YOU want them to go. Remember, people go to a college for THEIR education and so that they can do what is right for them as young adults.
Go visit the school and experience the campus and the students. Getting a feel for the town its in and realizing whether or not you enjoy it makes a HUGE difference in your college experience.
Let your students make the decision for their own and let them experience as many Colleges as possible. I understand that there is probably that one great school that you attended and would love to see your child attend, but ultimately it is their own decision. Allow them to get out of their and your own confort zone and not be afraid to attend somewhere that may be far away or different from the kind of school you saw them attending. Always encourage your child but be sure that you give them space. They may trip and fall, but the best way that a student can learn from their mistakes is to pick themselves up. When you talk to your child make sure you always ask about their grades and keep them on track. Do not think that just because your child was a straight A student in highschool that it will continue as easy. Always be their for them and they will appreciate it and thank you for it.
Find a college that YOU feel comfortable walking onto. Look at the faces of the people surrounding you--do they look content? Happy? Miserable? Tired? If you like what you see, there is a good chance that other people do, too, meaning that the college experience will be gratifying! Examine the spirit of the college--are there traditions? Socials that you can see yourself attending? Put yourself into shoes that YOU would like to see yourself in. Don't look at classroom size because that isn't indicative of a healthy learning environment; just think, large classes mean more people to get to know you! Find someplace that YOU can see yourself at, a place full of spirit, family, comfort, and life. Gig 'em, Aggies!
The best advice I would give is find the best fit for you, not for your friends or teachers or parents, but for yourself. Choose a college that fits your needs and desires and will help you feel happy while at college and confident in your own future choices for afterwards. Don't slack off on grades and schoolwork, but don't let it swallow your entire life either. Do your best in school but have fun too. Look for ways to enjoy your time and help the community around you as well. Keep some perspective in mind too. Don't stress out too much over one bad paper or test; it won't matter much in the long run. And try not to let mean professors get to you - you'll be done with the class in just a few months, and it makes the rest of life seem much brighter in comparison. Though the days may drag, this will be the shortest four (or five or six...) years of your life - enjoy them while they last.
Check out as many schools as possible, take in the atmospheres. Sit in on some classes. Get a complete feel for each college.
Make sure that parents keep an open mind about college life. Your child will come across things that may not fit in with your morality, or what you think is appropriate. You must remember that this is a time for people to find the person they are outside of their family influence. Be open if their new personality does not exactly fit what you think it should. As their parents, you obviously have a say in the activities that they engage in. As a good parent, you would be remiss to not take an active part in who your child is becoming, and want to helpl shape who they will be in the future. Be sure though, to let them experiment a little bit without too much punishment, as this will further drive them away and into these harmful behaviors.
The most important advice I give to students and their parents when searching for the right college is to go and tour more than one school, making sure to spend enough time to get a feel for the campus and community. You are about to invest alot of time and money in this university so don't guess which will be the best choice!
Students: If you have dreamed of going to a specific school your entire life and to you there are no other options...look at other options! If your wardrobe already consists of the colors of your dream school, it won't hurt to look at other colleges. You may discover a college that has a more advanced major department that can get you closer to the career of your dreams, or a school where students have similiar interests and ideals so you won't feel alienated.
Parents: Go with your kids on the campus tours, it is important you feel safe about where your child is too! Keep in mind you are searching for the student's ideal college though, not yours.
Lastly, when packing to move to your chosen school don't forget an umbrella!
My advice to students is to pick the University that best fits your personality. Also, once on campus, get involved in clubs that support your major or interests. These allow you to meet students or faculty who may be of help to you or provide some needed advice regarding classes or professors. Networking among students is invaluable.