The advice I would give myself would be to stride for my goals and never give up on life. There's going to be hard challenges that are going to face you face to face, but its important that you keep following your dreams and keep your head up high. No matter how hard life gets to you; keep on going because one day it will all matter and it will change your life forever. Knowing now that I was able to pass my first semester of college; I should've been able to graduate with a higher GPA in high school. I would say to challenge myslef with harder classes knowing that I had it in me this whole time. I guess it takes a while to find your true potential.
Take a year off instead of going to college right after high school. Take some time to consider about what you want to do with your life so you can study and get a career doing what you love and not for the money.
I would tell myself to research about specific programs and obtain all of the information I could get so I will not be wasting time taking classes which would not be necessary for my program of choice. I would also encourage myslef to speak with a guidance counselor about any questions or douobts I may have pertaining to my program of study. I would tell myself to reach for the highest grades possible and put at least two hours a day of studying for each class. I would encourage myself to not give up and continue persuing my goal.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself I would advice my self,"Do the things you please". There are some wrong decisions I would regret but would later make the into the man I am today. Looking back if it not were for the choices I made in the past I would most likely be a High school graduate without the urge or motivation to further my education. There is really no advice to give but only learn from your mistakes.
I would highly recommend you to not take things for grant it, that everything your teachers and counselors tell you is for the benefit of you even though at times it may seem like they are just trying to bother you. College does not compare to high school in order for a person to succeed in this new atmosphere they have to be mature , perseverance, and outgoing. I say outgoing because you shouldn’t be afraid of asking questions to your professors, you as a student should take the initiative to seek out for your professor because no one is going to baby you around. If you need help send emails or go to your professors hours. College can bring happiness to your life only if the person is willing to have a commitment to study and do all the work asked for. It also comes with a great responsibility from your part because you decide if you want to enter class. In everything that you do never procrastinate always do things ahead of time to have a them complete on time. The time you have free, that your not in class remember to put in your time for college.
I would tell myself to take as many duall enrollment clases as I can so whenever I get to college I would complet my academic schedule faster. Before graduating from high school my senior year was chaotic, i was too stress about getting into college, scholarships, financial aid, and about adapting. Therefore I would also tell myself to not be so nervous and frustated, college will be fine and a beautiful experience. I will make true friends that will care for me and that will also support me. Oh and before I forget congratulations, you will get accepted into the raidiology program.
I would tell myself that college is great, that it is the best time of my life and that I will meet great people who are basically my family.I would tell myself that from here things are only going to get better. I would tell myself to try a little harder and pay more attention to the teachers because they are preparing me for the future.I would also tell myself to join clubs,have extra curricular activities, i would advise myself to try out a sport and to be more involved in school.The one last thing and most important I would tell myself is to enjoy every singleday and cherish those years of high school and make the best out of them.
Cristo Jordany
Being honesty and knowing the oportunities that I could be able to take. I would give myself an encourage message, telling me "don't give up" you can be successful, the only one thing that you can do is to keep studing hard every single day. If I could, I would tell myself "just hold the line, come on you can do this just do not give up". I would set my mind at easy.
If I could go back in time and prepare myself for my transition into college, I would make sure to cover the following key points that I believe are imperative in becoming a successful college student: take advantage of available scholarships, time management, and get to know your professors. We are all aware of how costly pursuing a higher education can be, but there is also a general consensus that higher education is essential to becoming a productive citizen in today's society. As a result, there are many scholarships out there to ensure one's dreams of achieving a college education becomes a reality! Secondly, time management is a must have; college life is meant to be fun and include some of the best experiences of your life but as students it is important that academics comes before one's social life. Do not be satisfied with merely passing but strive to be the very best and obtain and attain a 4.0 GPA. Lastly, a student's professors are their college life lines. Professors not only determine the grade you will achieve but their knowledge is available for you to explore. Get to know them.
If I could rewind the timeline in my life and pause at ten years, I would find the eight-teen year old witty version of what I am today. "Student loans are a real deal, If you don't pay them back it could ruin your life financially'" would be the first thing I tell this confused teenager. The young aspiring musician didn't realize the effect of wage garnishment and having your income tax with-held. Maybe a simple "slap in the face" would be appropriate for these mistakes. Second words of advice would be something that I'm sure I have heard before but never realize the reality of, "Life is fast." One semester off can easily turn into years. The job you decide to keep for minimum pay and hard work can become a sad routine, comfortable yet unpleasant. After a long discussion about the amazing events in the future and remembering pastimes, I would conclude my conversation with something I never realized till I grew older "Take advantage of how smart you are, don't settle for the minimum, and never give up." Graduating college is no longer a dream, it is now a definite goal.