I would have told myself straight up to take college courses during my summer vacations. There was only one class that offered a selected few to take college courses and it was more of like a "secret application". Many of my friends wish that they would have let evertbody know that you could take college courses to earn during your high school years. If I had been able to take even one college level course during my summers I would have definitely been a bit ahead in my college education. Now I feel like I could have eliminated wasteful time with my basics and already starting my core classes. I would have told myself to have the courage to have asked the counslers or teachers to let everybody have information to taking college courses in high school. I would have been to intimidated to ask them since they probably would dismiss me but I would have given myself a huge kick in the rear back as a high school senior.
If I could tell my high school self anything it would be that even though college classes are hard at times, the self-fulfillment that you get after completing each class is worth all the hard work. I would tell myself that even though it seems like it may take years to complete your goal, those years and the information and skills you learn over those years will make you out to be better at the career you choose. That your goal of being a nurse to help, may one day be so great that you may even say that you helped possibly save someone's life, and because of that all the hard work you put in to it will be worth every penny spent, every hour spent, every class taken!
I was born in the United States, but I lived in Mexico since I was born. I moved to the U.S. like 3 years ago. Learning English, adapting to this new culture, and among other things were little struggles. However, I overcome those obstacles thanks to my determination. If I could back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior. I would advice that nervous and sad guy to keep his goal. I would say to myself "Alvaro..the sacrifice of leaving your country, your family, your really worth it. Your future is bright, keep dreaming, you can do it"
I would have told myself to study abroad during the summers, or even a semester. It would have been an eye-opening experience to live abroad during University. There is so much I could have learned from living in another country and interacting with various people.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would definitely tell myself to stay focused and party-free. I would let myself know that I have a condition called Attention Deficit & Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), and that I need to seek medical attention so that it doesn’t affect me academically in the future. I would also advise myself to apply at a private, smaller institution that could help me out both financially and academically through scholarships and personalized attention. I would tell myself that I need to remember what I am in school for; I need to tell myself to behave and never give up, no matter how hard things can get. I would try to educate and inform myself that the beauty of life is making mistakes so that we don't make them again in a future. I would encourage myself to never get disappointed at the many challenging situations I am about to face in my transition to adulthood. I would finally tell myself to develop an interest for Philosophy, since it is the greatest method to achieve clear thoughts and overall success.
Get your Associates Degree at an accredited community college. Then transfer to a state school. You will receive a quality education at a fraction of the cost. No matter what, don't quit school, stay focused and don't let outside influences within your control such as partying, women and derail your vision. Work is not as important now but you should get educated so you do not have to do menial jobs later on in your life. Your education is an investment into yourself so be serious, get serious and stay serious about graduating.
I would primarily advice myself to take college course classes to be able to recieve college credit while taking my high school classes. Secondly i would advice myself to take my senior year a bit more serious to take in as much information that is offered towards different college opportunities. Thirdly I would advice myself to really pay attention to my senior year classes because the college basics are a bit similar to them and conserve as many notes of math as possible. Lastly and most importantly I would advice myself to really try and learn a bit more about the career of my choice, not simply go by what everyone wants to study but find what really interests me.
I would had wished I would of had better advising taking my courses and for the school for it not to be very competitive among the programs.
I would first start off by saying to myself that college is the foundation of life. Yes, highschool was very importatn as well but college is where your life begins as far as being an adult and understanding that some things like working full time and making decent money can wait. Simply because you will spend the rest of your life working and making money, so why not jump right into college right out of high school and start maing that great money sooner. I would remind myself that the current job i have is not somewhere i would like to see myself in 10 years, not even 5 years. I would push myself to enroll into a college and continue my education well my high school education was still fresh in my head instead of waiting almost 5 years to start. I would remind myself that the most important thing that you can have in todays world is an education and that my son would eventually be asking me the questions that he does today. I would tell myself that moving out and having cool things aren't really that important and that i'll have them one day.
I would tell myself to start doing scholarships and college applications earlier in my highschool career. I would also tell myself to pay attention better in school and not worryso much about trying to have as much fun. If you werent so distracted yo c ould have been valdictorian instead of salutatorian is what I would tell myself.