Texas Southmost College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Texas Southmost College know before they start?


The best advice I would be able to give is to never underestimate your ability. I have surprised myself time and time again by my own potential and wish I had shot higher during the college application process my senior year. I would also encourage myself to dig deep for the underlying beauty behind knowledge and the power recieved through the journey of its attainment. I would warn of taking the road MOST traveled, and encourage instead the trek of self discovery. In so doing, I would strongly discourage pursuing premedical studies and instead spark the love I have now of mathematics. I would reassure myself that nothing is set in stone, and that the most important thing to do is to pursue something you genuinely enjoy.


I would give myself the advice to be determined and focus at all times. These are two very important and valued characteristics in my life because my first language was spanish and I come from a migrant family, therefore I had to try my very best to learn English and to keep up with all my classes. As I grew up I learned that with determination I could achieve my goals and finish my education. I did suffer greatly but I overcame my obstacles by staying focus all the time during school. Up to now these characteristics are what brought me to where I am right now. I am seeking a career in Nursing and financial aid has helped me out quite a lot but it has not been enough though. This is the reason I'm applying for scholarships and why I haven't given up because I am determined to finish my career.


Don't worry about "being cool" and "fitting in". Yes it might have mattered in high school, but it is completely different in college. No one here cares if you were cool or not, heck, no one even really cares what you wear. Don't worry about looking like a loser if you're by yourself. In college, it does not matter! Just be yourself and don't care about what other people think about you.


Being as anxious as I am, I know that talking to my future self would be scary. Instead of the confrontation, I'd deliver a letter to myself. In this letter, I would let myself know that friends and boyfriends are important, but not the most important thing in life. I'd convince myself to prioritize better because although being vice-president of the senior class and yearbook editor look great on college applications, extra-curriculars can only get you so far. I would definitely ask myself to rethink the school I had set my mind to and I would tell myself that I was only going there for the wrong reasons. I would give myself advice on heartbreaks and I’d tell myself that although the school of my choice was nice, being at home would be better for the times up ahead. Most importantly, the biggest lesson I would teach myself would be to take as many dual enrollment courses as I could because the biggest disadvantage of college is having to borrow so many loans.


I would tell myself to take everything more seriously. College is not a joke and it is totally different than high school. I would also tell myself not to procrastinate because it will hurt you if your are not careful. I would also tell myself that deadlines are very important and to use a calendar. A planner should be your best friend since you tend to forget things, even important things. I would also tell myself to apply for as many scholarships as possible and make sure all your financial aid paperwork is in order. Another important thing is to study hard and as often as possible. Take a deep breath and relax. If things don't go your way, it is not the end of the world. Dust yourself off and try again. As long as you keep trying and never give up, your'e golden.


Do not let someone else think for you or decid your future. I am advising you only because that was done to me, and my mother just went with what some doctor told her. I have work two job for four years and was able to maintain job for nine years and in those years I had strated from the bottom and was able to end up as a superviser at one point. Believe in your self because you are able to do anything and everything if you put your mind and heart to it. Do it for your self try to succeed for you not anyone else, and if you started a familiy before time don't worry you can also succeed but now you have to think about your kids too. Do not let no other person in your life feed you negetivity try to keep those persons away from you. I would suggest for you to meet new people with positive attitude that will help you succeed and progress in life. Believe in your self because I believe in all of you.


I would of tell my slef to stay in school rather than taking a break, because its much harder to return back to college once you have a couple of years without practice.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior I would tell myself to never change who you are and trust yourself. Trust every decision you make and that it's going to work out, don't stress over the little things they willl drag you down. Always be you no matter other's opinions, you can't always change people's minds, but you can control yourself and the way you are. Treat people with kindness and let the ones who dislike you, dislike. There's nothing you can do to change the mind of people who have no reason for their actions. Surround yourself with positivity, once you started thinking positive your whole life changed you started doing better all around in softball, school and life in general. Lastly, don't ever be afraid to fail. Fearing failure will always keep you from taking chances, but taking chances won't always lead to failure. Live everyday with a smile and brighten up someone else's, always be positive, trust that everything will work itself out, and live life with courage.


If I was a high school senior again the advice that I would give to myself is to be more responsable, because high school is a lot different of college. In college you have to most of the thing by your own and there is no one who would be behind of you checking that you are responsable/ I would give me the advice to not depend that much of other people, because in college you need to be more independent.


Organizing my schedule to study is the best way to succeed at college.