Texas Southmost College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Texas Southmost College know before they start?


I would tell my self to excel more, to put a bit more effort into every sinlge task. To work harder and try to be one of the top ten percent. And never give up, becuse even if things seem to be lost, theirs always a chance to make it and excel.


If I could go back to my high school year I would tell myself to take any opprtunity given to me. To take advantage of what a school has to offer. I would tell myself not to be afraid of change or different. Experiencing things out of my comfort zone or out of the norm is sometimes good. I would advice myself to push forward no matter what, to stay focused and to always remind myself that the most important things in life are God,family, and school.


If I could go back in time, I would tell myself to fight for what I wanted, rather than settle with community college. Many events shook my senior year. In mid August, my school burned down, significantly hindering any academic advisement I may have received. Also in August, my grandfather was diagnosed with lung cancer that would ultimately take his life in June of 2013. This is pertinent as any funds, outside of scholarships and student loans, would be contributed by my grandparents, and I was unwilling to hassle my grandmother about money as her lifelong friend and partner slowly withered away. I regret allowing myself to cave into the nay sayers, ignoring the few who supported my aspirations beyond two years at the local community college. I should have believed in myself and my abilities.


I would tell myself to take everything serious. I didn't know it at the time, but I could've had to many opportunities to be a better musicican. I'm currently pursuing a degree in Music Education and while I struggle just a bit every now and then, I know I could've done alot more in high school to prepare myself for college. I would've also told myself to develop study habits. It is really hard to study when you are exhausted and I could've also made it easier on myself to develop good study habits. Also the last thing I would've told myself to do is to be social and talk to people. Friends are there for you and to help you along the way incase you fall down. I was shy and nervous when I went to my first day in the University, I don't know if I could've changed that, but it Would've helped if I knew some of the people from the classes before hand.


If only they'd invent time-machines already. I would go back to August of 2009 and sit my disobedient / know-it-all butt down. Give myself the longest lecture my ears would probably fall off. “it is not about having the most friends, or who goes out the most, or who has the best shoes.” Gosh, kids could really be ignorant. I would go back in time and tell myself to focus on school and not to worry to much on the 'she said he said' because honestly you don't speak to about half of those 'friends' after high school anyways. life would be so different for me.


The advice that I will give myself will be to always meet with the professors after class if something was not clear enough and never to be afraid of asking because that is why there are there. To assist you in every way they can. Try to go to tutoring on my free time and look for any additional resources that is helpful for my classes. Because now that I'm a senior in college I look back and ask myself why I didn't take advantage of so many resources but at the same time each one of them I somewhat discorvered them on my own and if not they arrived late.


The biggest advice I would give myself would be that college should not be taken softly, that every decision, no matter how unimportant it seems then, will have a huge effect in the future. Furthermore, that no matter what happens it the outside world school and personal problems and griefs shouldn't be taken to school. I would also advice myself that things happens in one's life that can ultimately jeperdize one's education, but not to let those events change you, instead, grab those events and use them as a means of motivation as to why you want to obtain a higher education. The last advice I would give myself would have to be that we are all humans and we all make mistakes but its how we deal with the consequences that shows our true character and that moral stature outweighs any type of material gain and one should always remain true to who we are as a person.


I would tell him that he needs to start saving up money now, because college isn't free it's actually quite expensive. The transition between highschool and college has a few key differences. There is a level of wanting to be there required instead. In regards to highschool, he has to be there and he has to learn whereas with college he has to want to be there. That is something difficult to learn but I would express to him the importance of it. I would tell him that he should get started on applying for college right away instead of doing what I did and apply for one semester but take an extended "break" for several years only to come back at a later date. If he learns from what knowledge I impart on him he could already have had a four year degree.


Go for it, learn more , study more help everybody more.


Dear Cynthia, It is almost time for you to begin your college career. I want to inform you that I have traveled to the future, and I now know what college life is like. I want to warn you that it will not be easy, but do not give up. You are one intelligent young lady, and you will achieve your goals because I see here you are an overcomer. I saw in your future you walking in a ceremony of your graduation, and guess what you earned your bachelor's degree! You did awesome in your journey. I am extreamly proud of you, so do not give up any step of the way. Take notes in everything the professor says and always remeber to study on your free time. If the professor gives out any extra credit work do it do not let it pass because it can help you one day! Become friends with your advisors and join groups. I know for a fact already that you have achieved your dream, now you just have to believe in yourself, and in my words! Sincerly, Your inner thoughts.