If I could go back and talk to myself as a high school senior, about what I now know about college life and making the transition. The advice I'd give myself is to study harder and to plan ahead. I'd also tell myself not to ever give up ,to keep trying. I'd say to never doubt my ablities because only I know what I am capable of accomplishing. I would tell my high school self that she would be okay, things are going to change but that is a part of growing up. I would tell myself to stop putting things off because there is no garuntee that you'd still have the time to do them. I'd tell myself that college isn't as scary as you think. Lastly, I would say you CAN reach for the stars all you have to do is dream and work hard towards your goals.
Looking back into my senior year of high school there were defeninitely some changes that i would make, to adjust and make my college life easier. One of them being the main importance of school to obtain the education we all strive for, along with raising my GPA to an impressive amount, such as 3.0 and above. I would tell myself that all that had happened that school year would all eventually blow over the second we walked off the stage at graduation. Another great word of advice would be to not goof off and actually take my classes seriously, although I remained with passing grades, I myself know I was capable of recieving better grades. Lastly I would return to tell myself that high school all comes to an end one day, and to get over any bad relationships with anyone, I would remind myself that in the end, high school molds you and everyone around you into the beginning stages adulthood that we will continue to be for the rest of our lives.
I would go back and tell myself that music was just a hobby for me. I love singing, but honestly at this period in time money is the thing that takes care of most of the items that are needed to survive. I should have gotten into the medical program in my highschool instead of choir and went ahead to medical instead of a music major. My music major was going to take up too much time for little pay. Now that I have a baby boy I realize that the Medical Field was the better option for me.
Out of all the things I can say to my senior self I believe the most important would be "work on your scholarships!" I know there are numerous amounts of people who don't look for any because they receive federal financial aid, but in my case I thought my job would be enough to pay for college. I have proven myself wrong, I cannot pay college with my salary. I regret all the time I let pass by during my senior year. Fortunately God blessed me with understanding parents, who pushed and pushed me all the time "Have you found any scholarships? How are you going to pay for your classes?" But now, that I never did anything they still accept me and love me, they are helping me pay for my classes. I cannot understand that love they have for me yet, but it has changed me. Now I don't have any excuses, I need to look for scholarships and will stop at nothing! This is all I would tell myself. It definitely would've saved me from these troubles I am now dealing with.
I would tell my younger self to start early on the whole college process. I would say to don't take for granted my free time, do more community service, get involve in more clubs, socialize with more people, to try to spend it on searching for scholarships and other educational helps available. I would also say to change my lifestyle so it will begin to fit the new lifestyle college will be like. More than anything, I would say to my younger self to be confident in this new journey that is only just starting.
The advice that I would povide to myself if i could go back to my high school year would be to have accesed the Fafsa program sooner as well as searching for available scholarships to help with expenses. Enrolling into dual enrollment classes instead of advanced plasement classes to help with credit hours as well as understanding all paperwork needed to help enroll into the college of my choice. Reaching out to the counseling department at school to search for help from our school adviser's to see more oppertunites that could of helped in the struggles of paperwork.
I would tell myself to hti the books hard and not worry about partying or having a girlfriend. Focus on school and finish as soon as possible for a better future.
Going through high school, I never felt the need to study because all the lessons in class came easy to me. In college, I found out that I was not mentally ready for what I had to do in order to be successful. When I needed to study and focus on school, I went out with friends or put in long hours at work. I kept this up until I realized, I had been making wrong educational decisions. In the end, I ended up where I thought I would never be in; a low GPA and placed on academic suspension. When I was finally able to attend classes again, I spent that semester trying to resolve the problems I got myself into, and have finally accomplished being in good standing again.
First, I would tell myself to cut back on the hours I worked, and just put time into my studies to do well. And second, I would tell myself not to stress out. All I have to do is treat school the way I treat everything else I’m passionate about, because when I put in the work, I will get the results I deserve.
I would tell my past senior to look forward into getting scholarships and sum up the money in case there wasnt enough to pay for the classes. This would be proving my own responsibilities and maturity, so I myself could pay for my classes which I would need for my future. However, it is not the only thing I would tell my past self, but to focus mostly on the classes and pay very close attention to the teacher including asking questions. Along with going more to tutoring to revise my work if I'm in the right path into getting closer to my degree.
Try your absolute best in all of your classes no matter how mundane the topic area may seem, as a student later in life your progress will be measured by how your completed all of your subjects. Once college begins do not be swayed by those around you who believe school is a waste of time, as I have already seen the benefit later in life a bachelor degree has given you. Thank those around you and god on a regular basis, and thank your parents for putting up with your non-sense in high school!