Texas Southmost College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Texas Southmost College know before they start?


I would tell myself to look into the scholarhips and not to put them off. I would tell myself to look into work study opportunities and to keep on track with my degree. I would advise myself to not put off classes necessary for my degree and to be more involved.


Well if i can go back and give some advice to a senior student it would benefit them. I would tell them about how in the beginning of the semester, to only take the courses that you can handle, dont compete with your friends or dont get discouraged that your friends are enrolled in 5 or 6 classes. Your the only one that knows where your limit stands and i would suggest taking only 4 classes will give you a good GPA at the end of each semester. Other advice would be, if you regretted joining leadership clubs/sports/etc in high school, college is your second chance. In college, there are so many different ideas, events, people, and etc. Embrace each and single day, because before you graduate, you will not regret it. College is an amazing place to have fun, meet new people and be active within your campus, but at the end of the day it all comes down to studying and preparing for your finals. Do not procrastinate with anything, do your homework first and then you will feel good the rest of the day. When finals come, group study, or go to tutoring for finals.


After recently surviving some major health issues, including a blood clot in my brain which almost killed me, I am determined to complete my college degree. I am a single mother of two lovely girls. We lost everything: My 401k and life savings is depleted; our home was is foreclosure. With disability and social security as our only income while I was unable to work, we could barely keep a roof over our heads and food on the table while keeping up with my medical bills. Now that my health is back to a manageable level, I am determined to complete my Bachelor’s degree in order to rejoin the workforce and properly support my children. My goal for many years is to pursue a Master’s in Education. If I could go back and talk to myself as a high school senior, my advice would be not to get married so young... to stay in school and complete undergrad and gard school before starting a family. But also, I would advise to be better prepared for an emergency like the total life upheaval caused by my brain clot.


If only I could go back in time to advise my younger self on college, what would I say? You see, I graduated high school over ten years ago. I thought, as most teens do, that I was grown, mature, and had this college thing licked. This false, inflated self-perception would be my undoing. I did what I wanted, when I wanted to do it. I had been given a car and had a part-time job and was, therefore, living it up! Life was one big party away from the father who had raised me, partying with friends he would never approve of and devoting too much attention to a new girlfriend I wasn't ready for. To be honest, I didn't make it through my first semester. I hadn't attended class enough, never studied, and what work I attempted was sub-par. My high school dropout girlfriend was pregnant when we met and I decided to raise the baby, meaning my part-time job was insufficient. I would tell myself that I am too young and immature. I would tell him what he wants is wrong and counter-productive. Simply put, your father knows best!


Going to college is a big step in someones life it will take alot of hard work, dedication, and frustration. Even though it will be an emotional roller coaster due to deadlines on work not everything is work some things are fun. Remember you will normally go for a degree in something that is interesting to you so dont be shy when it comes to projects go ahead and make mistakes so you can learn from them. Use the tutorials as well even if you know the material we all learn everyday something new no matter how old we are or knowledgeable we are. Lastly dont be afraid to take an adventure from internships to group projects this will help remember experiences is what helps as well not only reading and studying.


If I could go back and talk to myself, I would tell myself to never give up when school gets hard. I would also tell myself to study harder because college is so much harder than high school. I would also tell myself to stay on top of homework because if you don't, it'll mess you up big time.


If I could travel back in time and would give advice to my self as a high school student it would be to start applying for scholarships. It is very important to start applying for scholarships in order to pay for books and school materials. Applying for scholarships is a very good way to start saving money in case you need anything for a course. Another advice would probably be do not give up and continue your studies. College might be difficult at times but later on it would be worth it. All you have to do is relax, calm down and do not stress out. Take things easy and do not rush. If possible take up to 4 courses per semester that way you will not stress out and feel over whelmed. College is extremely diffrent than high school. You will meet a lot of people be careful with who you hang out with. Some students are not a good example for you. Try to hang out with students you meet in your classes, trust me it is a big help. Try to socialize and have fun. Do not think that college is all about stress and homework.


I would tell myself to stick to one career and bring my grades up. I really don't regret anything from highschool. I had alot of fun. But I guess I would focus more on my grades if I had that chance to go back in time. I would tell myself to take my time on the accuplacer test so i would not have to take developmental courses. The last thing I would say is don't worry you'll make it.


I would say, "prepare yourself for college, read more, get more involved with the profesors and students, look ahead in your classes and do not waste your time on parties, do not sleep late"


If I could go back in time and talk to my High School senior self, I would advise myself to do the things that I did. To continue applying to the same places I did but maybe that I need to apply to more scholarships. The University of Texas at Brownsville, is affordable with financial assistance for a student who is interested in studying full time but still money is necessary. For food, for books, for gasoline if someone has a car. I cannot afford a very necessary car and I rely on the city and university buses to go around the town. I love my university and hope to continue being there until I graduate with my Bachelors in Mechanical Engineering.