If I were able to travel back in time, when I was a senior in high school I would give myself all the advices possible. In my senior year I didn’t take advantage of the credit by exams and the dual enrollment classes that is a college credit. I would also tell myself to start on the college applications and scholarship application by December instead of two months before deadline when most of them are already taken. My other advice will be to start on the community service before senior year , take the compass before getting out of high school.
If I could go back in time to my high school self I would've taken classes to prepare me for college. I also would've taken my ACT/SAT so I could've applied to other colleges so I could expand my knowledge about the world. I would've told my self that there is so much more to life than the town/city where I am at now. I also would have taken my academics more seriously by getting better grades and also trying to figure out what I wanted to major in, instead of waitng until I started college and changing majors three times. Like most high school seniors it doesn't hit home that you need to do something with your life until after you graduate high schoo and wake up the next day wondering what to do with you life. The only reason I'm going to the University of Texas at Brownsville is because it is close to home and I didn't apply to any other colleges and I knew they would accept me.
I remember when I was in high school specially in my senior year, I was a young man that the only thing that matter was having fun with my friends, and graduating from high school as soon as possible. As in today I look at myself in college, and I see that I have learned many things about it. If I could go back into time and give myself an advice, I would advice myself to study harder and to prepare myself academically by learning how to manage my time in studying because college is not as easy as high school. College takes a lot of time consuming and effort in order to achieve the goal of graduating.
If I could go back to high school, I would undoubtedly make sure I pay attention while learning how to write essays, cite sources, and make works cited pages. The many papers I have to write in college have been extremely hard considering I did not pay attention in high school like I should have while learning the appropriate ways and styles of the citations. I would have also worked harder in my classes and studied more. Knowing now that if my high school GPA was 0.3 points higher, I could have a great amount of financial help, I would have been more responsible about my studying habits.
The advices I would give myself is to not get a job in the first place and continue schooling even if it does help a little. Another advice i would give myself is to study hard and make it to the top. I would add that to not give up when life gets too hard.
My advice to myself during my high school senior year is to be more involved with the community. Despite getting good grades and concentrating on the academic portion of the school demands, helping the community improve creates more satisfaction and opens doors to scholarships and humanity programs that truly matter. Learning the theories about core classes like science and mathematics is only useful if it is put to use. Being more involved in the local sea turtle conservation projects, beach clean ups, helping others, discover self-giving now and you will be more satisfied with yourself. Seniors like to party, but my advice is to party less and help out more. I would also tell myself not to complain so much about the amount of homework the teachers give. High school homework does not compare to the hundreds of pages we now have to read in nursing school. Be more open minded, more accepting toward others and know that sharing similar music preferences is not the only thing that makes awesome friendships. Most importantly don’t give so many problems to your parents, they may sound crazy but in the end you will see they are very wise.
That everything you do in life it has be hard work and dedication, because with that all things are possible.
WOW!! I would tell alot of things, for example: apply for scholarships, STUDY, maintain a high GPA, dont be playing around.. but one of things i learned,is that everything happends for a reason and I dont regret anything that i did before. I learned from my mistakes and actions i make. Thats the advice i like to give people and friends.
If i could magically go back to a time during my highschool years i would definately tell myself to study more. I would take the time and when given an assignment in class go home an review it so that when i go for the class the next day i would be prepared and be able to make an A. I would also tell myself to payattention in class because youll eventually go over the same thing in college and in college more steps would be added such as math. I would also take the time to go over my work and appy for colleges and look into them in my early years and see the requirements for them and understand what my responsibility is for them. I would appy to more than just one college and take the risk of applying to an out of state college so i can have more opportunities that I dont recieve here in the small town.
Go to college, get yourself an education. Most preferrably learn about what interests you the most, even if it interferes with your work schedule. Do exactly what interests you, because if you don't, you will end up like me going back to college to get the degree you should've in the first place (biology). The upside for getting a college degree that you weren't happy with is that at least you become educated and will understand the "real world" a lot better than before, and of course, you'll have a fall-back.