Now that I have entered the twelve grade, I should make an appointment with my counselor. I need to get inform about how I?m doing in high school. I need to know if I have meet the A-G requirements which are required to attend a university or if I decide that I want to go to college, I won?t lose time and money doing the requirements that I could of done here in high school . I need to get informed about the entrance exams, know if I passed the SAT and the ACT and find out what my scores are. Starting to think about what I want to major in is very important, this way I can do community service in what I think I want to major in and see if this is what I really want to do as a career. I should get started on filling out my fafsa and some scholarships this will help me financialy. Making an appointment with the advisors of universities and colleges that come to my school is another thing I should do, this way I can see the different colleges and universities in which I?m interested in.
I would talk about the changes I went through and advice on how to make the transitions. I didn't have any family members that had gone to college so everything I was experiencing and needing to process, such as documents needed in certain offices, I figured it out on my own. Having a goal and staying focused on it helped me get through college and finish my degree sooner. I would advice to not let anyone or anything get in the way of college because if a person puts their mind to something they could do whatever they set their mind to. I would advice to look at all scholarships or funds because not getting those and using students loans to pay for college only put me in debt and now I have to find other funds to pay for graduate school.
Here I am. Last day of high school. As I try to open my rusty locker I've grown to love, I can't help but remember what happened a few months back.
One fine weekend, my friends and I were putting on a hard-knocking wrestling match. Unfortunately, one of my friends ended up giving me a concussion worth forgetting. Literally, I have no recollection of what happened. While in my hazy state, I saw myself. Well, it looked like me, except he had facial hair. "Are you--," "I don't have much time," he interrupted. "With your commended performance, you don't need to worry about entrance exams. Inform yourself of all scholarships available, but most importantly, perform well on your home economics class. You might not need it, but a bad grade will damage your GPA." He was gone after that, and I came out of my unconscious state afterwards...
The noise of my locker opening brings me out of reminiscing. "Hmm," I say to myself, "I'm glad I was able to give myself that advice." As I shut my locker with a bang, I walk out the glass doors, determined to overcome my next challenge.
I would tell myself to not give up, that at first it seems difficult and pretty much impossible but when you actually complete a course you feel a sense of accomplishment. I probably would also recommend getting into study groups, getting to know your peers as well as your professors. Im more of a shy person that really didnt communicate with my professors or ask questions but, I would tell myself dont be scared everyone else is probably thinking of the same question you are. The best teachers are your peers; talking it out and explaining it to each other, because sometimes other people have an easier interpretation of an objective than the professor's explanation. My final advice would be to just enjoy and have fun because its all worth it in the end, its how badly you want that piece of paper that will advance our careers in life.
Keep up your grades and focus! As a high school senior it's easy to get caught up in the moments of football games, school dances, and friendships. If I'd focused and hit the books harder then college would simpler now. I have no troubles with college work but before I attended I found it difficult to set priorities. Setting priorities is key! Education is the future of everyone. It is getting to the point where education equals future. I've heard stories where people with a high school diploma could get by now it's getting difficult for a person with an associate to get by. Higher education is very very important. If I could go back in time and speak to myself, I'd make these points very clear that if I want a great future I should buckle down now. The sooner I hit those books the easier it would be for my future and the transition from high school to college will be a smooth ride.
In the words of bob Marley and the wailers ?Don?t worry about a thing?. If I could magically go back to myself as a 17 year old high school senior I would defiantly sings those exact words of bob Marley, I would reassure that college life is not at all even close to as hard as your high school teachers are making it sound, I would also say to enjoy the vegetative state of doing nothing in high school, those days are over, I would also say to take full advantage of the help the high school conselers are giving because in colege nobody knows you and are out at lunch anyways, well that gos for the staff. and how could i forget practice taking notes,! in college your days end faster and are funnier.
I will begin by telling you who I am. My name is Juana Maria (Juanita) Urbano, I was born in Brownsville, Texas, the eldest of five sisters. Both my parents born and raised in Matamoros, Tamp., Mexico with a third grade education. In the summers, we traveled to Michigan and Indiana as migrant workers. Growing up with the stigma of being a migrant student, during my high school years made my classes very difficult and lowered my grades deeply.
Married at a young age of 18 and raising two sons, (now 26 and 20 both in college) made my college years a challenge. As a part-time student, I worked long and hard to have a stable home for my young sons; dinner, homework and in bed by 8pm, so to begin my own homework. I eventually obtain my Associates degree and continued with the building block of my Bachelors degree from the College of Applied Technology in 2006.
Knowing what I know now about college life, this is the advise I would give myself.... "Right now, that you are young, unmarried and with no children, go to college and stay until you complete all the degrees you want."
I would definitly tell myself to take my literature classes more seriously. I probably would tell myself to enjoy those high school cafeteria meals more, because they were definitly tasty and now when i cook my meals and try to replicate those dishes they are not the same and i miss the taste. I definitly would tell myself about saving those summers jobs' money because that freshman year really surprised as to how much books really cost, how i could have used that money that i ended up spending in those random things. I would tell myself that those book reports and essays that were done and worked on real hard in my high school classes should be saved and not lost because they did become a regret of mine, when in some of my classes those exact papers were a resource that would hace been a tremendous help, definitly dont lose those papers. Jajaja. Cant help but laugh. Which if anything brings me to my final advice that i'd give to myself, "get ready because the transition to college is going to be fun, awesome, filled with silly moments but most of all great.
If i can go back and talk to myself as a senior I would tell myself that life isn't easy.I would push myself to study more and interact in school activities.Now that I'm in college I struggle with school work and financially too.I know that if I would've known that then that I would be more alert and concentrate more on my studies rather than parties.I would tell myself also that the whole partying thing isn't going to help me get ahead with my school work and that it will only get harder and harder for myself later on the long run.I am glad though that I found that energy in myself to still push myself to college and have me coming to school everyday,I just wish I would've had this same enthusiam in high school.
Along with the great achievement of graduation comes a great transition into adulthood. This transition brings with it liberty and total free will. If I could go back and give my high school version of myself any advice I would tell myself to follow my instincts. I would encourage my high school self to not second guess myself and continue to focus on my education and career.
Another bit of advice I would give myself would be to take full advantage of the many clubs and student activities available on campus. I would also advice my high school self to take advantage of the summer sessions and take as many classes as I can maintain each semester. This would help me graduate sooner and begin my graduate studies sooner. It?s a huge chapter in my life, a very important stepping stone into adulthood. College becomes a home away from home and getting well acquainted with the campus and faculty could facilitate the high school to college transition. Knowing what I know now could have helped me make less mistakes and take full advantage of the resources at hand, but understanding life has always been done best by making mistakes.