The University of Tampa Top Questions

What should every freshman at The University of Tampa know before they start?


-Be conscious what you spend your money on -It is better to miss one weekend of the social life than to miss that 'A' on an exam or assignment -Bring less and wait and see what you actually need for your dorm and lifestyle -Don't loose connection with your hometown friends -If you don't like your teacher, switch professors before it is too late -Apply for scholarships -Apply for a job ASAP -When you need help, see a tutor or the professor before getting stuck behind


As a high school student, school came to me very easy. I never studied, and I always got good grades. I was a procrastinator and those habits came with me to college because I didnt know any better. I was in for a rude awakening because my first semester of college didnt seem like it was that hard until I let homework pile up and not prioritize my tests. I soon realized after learning the hard way that tests needed to be studied for and that homework needed to be done prior to the night before it was due. If I could go back in time to myself as a high school senior not only would I stress the importance of not procrastinating or studying but I would also make sure that I applied to scholarships. As a freshman student I am already in so much debt and that may jeopardize my future. Clearly it is impossible to go back in time, so since I cannot try to re-teach myself these tips, I will make sure I tell my younger siblings and family members how importance it is to prioritize school and money before friends and parties.


I think going back in time and talk to myself as a high senior would something admirable. I would give myself so many advices. one advice i would give myself would that your about to enter a new atmosphere and that you need to be prepare for it. another advide would be, your going to see a lot of stuff you don't normally see in high school. you may even try or experience things you havent yet. work and study hard would be the biggest advice i could give myself. your going to college to study and to get a degree on what you decided to major in. always do your best, your homework and especially try to get involve as much as you can with the school like a sport, a club or a sorority/fraternity or even the ROTC program. i would also say to myself that going to college is a one time life experience and you need to take advantage of it because after you graduate your not gonna be able to go back.


The only thing I would tell myself is to be more confident in who I was becoming. Senior year, I was realizing how much I loved directing and being in our video announcements along with more baseline information about who I am. I was, however, lacking confidence in my abilities to be great and to do well. My favorite quote says "Our depest fear is not that we are inadequate, Our depest fear is that we are powerful...". I wish I would have believed that and known I was doing just fine.


I would tell myself to take the college search more seriously. Any college will be fine if you make it that way. Do not focus on the money part of college because there are tons of scholarships you can apply for. Also, focus on making friends freshman year rather than worrying about classes or money issues. Make sure you choose your college for the right reason because the cheapest option is not always the best option. Also, location should be a major factor because it can make all the difference living in a boring place versus a city. When you are a freshman make sure you look at every option for your major because you only have a year later until your education is set in place. Do not be close-minded whatsoever because college is such an incredibly different experience than anyone can tell you.


If I could go back and talk to my high school self, I would tell her to be prepared for a tough but doable transition. Things get better in college from high school even though the work load becomes more intense. I know that my high school self was a hard worker and my college self is just as much, if not more, so I know that she would want to be more prepared if she knew what to expect. Finding a balance between having an excellent academic career and a suitable social life is crucial. There will be times she has to say no to going out but know that it will pay off in the future and she will thank herself for saying no in the past. College is a great experience, but work must be put in in order to succeed and surpass your expectations.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself that life gets better after high school. There's so many things to explore, so don't be afraid to seize the day. Surely, I'll end up making a mistake or two but that's okay. It doesn't matter what anyone thinks because everyone is literally trying to figure it all out as well. We're all in this together. You may change your major several times. You will meet new people. You will make new enemies. Many new things are about to happen to you, so seize each moments. Don't chicken out just because someone is going to judge you. What matters most is how you view yourself. Just be yourself. Be you.


This question is simple for me. Looking back, I would tell myself to work harder at baseball to achieve my goal of recieving a sports scholarship that would make it easier for me to pay for school. I would probably tell myself to work multiple jobs in the summer to help pay for tuition and expenses in college. In school, I always worked my tail off so I would tell myself to make sure I stay on top of academics. I also would tell myself to apply for all and any scholarships avalible for school.


Strive for a 4.0 and be proud of that and people will be too. Everything else will come. Being involved with other things is fine but your work must come first. Study hard even though you may not know how, because it's more difficult than you think. Trust me. Do everything as early as possible because things happen. If attendance counts, dont skip class. If you get lower than an 80 on an exam, dont skip class. You will regret it. The friends you make may be with you after school, but that just means you will be able to see them later. Do Your Work! Dont get sidetracked and i know how difficult that is. Excersize is also good to help keep things balanced but be consistent. Dont throw any papers away until you pass the class. You never know what you might need.


If i could go back in time and talk to my high school self i would tell him that in college you have to learn to manage your time; unlike high school you get a lot of free time so use it wisely and plan out your days. Another thing i would tell myself is that you have to join organizations and be active. Hanging out in your dorm room all day is not going to make you any friends. College is different than high school: people are not forced to hang out with you so instead of being shy throw yourself out there, be social and start making some friends! In high school some people hold off studying or don't study at all. I sure know I was one of those people. In high school the work may be easier but in college it is beneficial to learn how to study. In college exams are way harder and I found that I went from no hours of studying to sometimes mulitple hours a day just trying to understand the material. If i had to sum this up into two words, I would say "be proactive."