Save yourself the hassel of all the stress and apply for more scholarships and grants. Coming to school with only a month before school starts to find out that you owe more money than you thought is unbelievebly stressful. Focus on college, not the social issues of your life. College is the first step to your future and dream. Don't be afraid to ask for help from others, they are there to help you. Believe that you will make it. Focus focus focus focus. Also try to avoid Salliemae at all costs; they have terrible rates, they call constantly on the day payments are due telling you you missed a payment when you paid it already, and everyone on the help line sticks to a script that doesn't help you. Be smart, don't use Salliemae, and when you are in trouble call grandma.
Dear Erin,
You are entering a new chapter of life where freedom and responsibility may get overwhelming. I am here to tell you not to worry! You will get through this and you are about to make the most unforgettable memories of your life.
A dorm is a perfect way to meet new people. You will want to learn to adjust certain habits to compromise and have a comfortable living environment between you and your roommate.
Meals are free range at a buffet style venue. This freedom may unpleasantly introduce the “freshman fifteen.”. Ramen noodles are not your friend. Be smart when choosing what to eat throughout the day and stay active! This will keep you in shape, and relieve stress!
Finding the time to study and have a social life shows the importance of time management. When getting involved with organizations remember to slow down, stay organized, and focus.
When you start to feel homesick, just remember that your family is only a phone call away. Being forced to grow up, living and learning in an entirely new lifestyle. Don’t sweat the small stuff, and enjoy every minute of the next four years at college.
Future Self
As a senior I was focused on being popular. I suppressed who I was to fit in. In a way I succeeded, I was the popular girl. If I could go back to my senior year Id tell myself that being popular doesnt matter. I laughed at kids for being individuals, while secretly I envied them. I didnt have the courage to be myself. College was the first time I was confindent enough to be myslef without fear of being judged. I'd tell my senior self that being popular in highschool, only goes as far as graduation day. In college no one cares how popular you were. I'd tell myself that starving myself to stay skinny is stupid, and drinking just cause the "popular" kids do it is even stupider. I'd tell myself that being an indiviual is so much better than following a crowd. Id tell myself that every popular kid envys the unique idividuals for having the courage to be different. I'd tell myself that no one really likes the popular kids, it's all just an act. Id tell my senior self to be herself no matter how terrifying not being popular is.
Knowing what I know now about college life and making the transition, advice I would have for myself as a senior high school is balance is essential for success personally and academically. When I was a high school senior, my primary fear was that college was going to be all work and no fun. After my first semester and a half of over studdying and many sleepless nights, I started to reallize that my peers were earning the same grades that I was, and they still managed to have fun doing so. I eventually burnt myself out, and seeked out help from my proffessors and friends. I expressed to them my fears about not earning great grades in college, and they all gave me the same advice. They told me t
I would tell myself to not be so niave when going to college. I didn't realize how real life would get, and how demanding balancing internships, sports, clubs, jobs and school work would be. I also didn't realize how much I would actually miss going home, and seeing my parents. I would tell myself to not worry so much about fitting in, spend more time with my parents and not be so quick to jump out into the real world. Overall, I personally think that the most important advice I could give myself as a senior would be to relax, take a deep breath, and make decisions based on what you feel is right for you, not what others think is right for you.
What I would tell myself as a high school senior would be to not slack off, even when senioritis hits, do not give in. Always push yourself to try your hardest and apply to colleges early. Apply for as many scholarships as possible, even if you get one it is all worth the effort in the end. I would tell myself no matter where life leads you, do what makes you happy. Be friendly, meet at least one new person a day and get involved from day one. Join what interests you and do not follow in anyone's path, create your own. The transition to living on your own away from your family and closest friends is a big change, learn how to do laundry and save your money. Remember that when you need someone to talk to, give your parents or even your siblings a call from time to time to talk, they will appreciate hearing from you more than you know. Travel. If you are able to do study abroad or travel to a somewhere new and do community service, do it. Be nice, be aware of your surroundings and be grateful for what you have.
Dear Alyssa,
Hi, it's you ... from the future. I just wanted to tell you that college is going to be great! Some good advice I can offer you is to not stress out over the workload because you are already well prepared from the education you are receiving in high school. The classroom sizes are small enough to provide you with a great learning environment. The teachers will give you their undivided attention to make sure you understand the material if you are struggling with a certain subject. There are many clubs and organzations to join on campus where you can make new friends. Getting involved at school is not only fun but it is a great way to continue to develop your resume with extra-curricular activities. The most important advice that I can give you is to be yourself and be confident about it. Some people will like you and others may not, but if you stay true to who you are in your morals and values then you are one step ahead of everyone else. Mainly, continue to put your trust in the Lord and He will guide you through each and every day.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior I would tell myself to focus more on my biology class and procrastinate less. I did well in all of my classes except that one class, which effected my GPA negatively. Just a couple nights of slacking off and not studying can affect me in the long run when applying for financial aid. I would also tell myself to just start my homework when I had the time instead of sitting and watching Netflix and cramming the night before. Another important thing I would tell myself is to apply early to the schools I wanted to get into, instead of waiting a week before the application deadline. One last thing I would tell myself would be that the decisions I make this year will change my path for the next couple years of my life.
If I could give my high school senior version of myself some advice, I would say, "Hold on". I pursued an undergraduate degree; I nurtured my curiousity, I placed mental walls on what I should do, what I can do, and what I would not do- and I broke some down. I made my friends and family proud, and only occasionally disappointed others or myself. I grew up and older. Before I had an inkling of all these things, all of the future selves that were possible seem to have been there all along, but ill defined until they were lived and discovered. With each accomplishment I knew that I had worked hard and "held on". I traveled through Europe , overseas to tropical destinations, through my homeland of the United States; I succeeded and failed at attempts to pass classes; I met, loved and lost friends. In losing, I drew strength from the truth that time is needed: "hold on". When I did succeed: pushed myself to learn and experience the world, my classes, and find myself; I celebrated that I had successfully "held on". The future has innumerable possibilities: work for what you want and 'hold on' to it.
Enjoy your home cooked meals ( I'm serious! there is nothing better than mom's cooking!) On a more serious note, take that AP class! I was sometimes scared of taking many AP classes, but to be honest, making a big effort in high school will pay off in college. You will start with interesting classes right of the bat because you will be able to skip the general classes when you get the AP credits transfered. Also, always stick to what you believe is right. Hang out with the people you feel comfortable with and that you know will make lasting friendships. When it comes to teachers, I wish I would have told my professors when I needed more information on a certain topic. If you feel your teacher should make his classes more interesting so that students learn more, let him/her know! I am sure they will appreciate your input. Instead of letting classes go by, make them count! make your education a priority, and really take care of the books they let you borrow (college texbooks are really expensive!). Good luck and make your dreams a reality :)