Dear Younger and more beautiful self,
Do not fear your college transition, you'll be fine. Link up with the right people who share your views and have the appropriate balance of work and social time. DO NOT stay up untill 5 a.m everyday, unless you are up studying. You dont want to sleep your days away and be up all night. Insomnia is REAL. Don't be afraid to explore your new surroundings and before you leave home force your parents to buy you a car! Walking while others drive is miserable. Join as many clubs as possible. That is the quickest way to meet new people and develop lasting friendships. Diversify your life. People from different perspectives can teach you a lot. Dive into their culture while maintaining and teaching them your own. Think hard about what exactly interest you, its okay to change majors once, but at a point being so indecisive effects how long you will be in school. Construct a plan and follow it to your best ability. Last but DEFINITELY not least, remember to have loads of fun. After college the real world smacks you and all the freedom and free food disappears.
Stay in school. College is not going to be easy. College is not a place to be playing around with your future. College is not about being the life of the party, it's about getting a degree. Work hard, don't be afraid of the library, don't be afraid to get help, don't be afraid to put other aspects of life on hold so that you can accomplish your goal of getting a college degree. Enjoy every step of the way. Be grateful that you are there. Be grateful that you have the opportunity to be in school. Be grateful for what you have. Be better than, "good enough."
Hello, Jess. I don't have much time but I am here to give you advice on your future college life. I know you've recently had your heart broken and to tell you the truth, you're going to have it broken a few more times. Don't let anyone control your life or make you so upset to the point where your grades suffer. No guy is worth throwing your future away. Attend community college for two years before transferring to UT. Believe it or not, you're going to be more upset with the debt you have than you would have been sticking it out at HCC. College is a lonely ride sometimes. Don't get distressed. One day, you'll see that the people who are there for you are the ones who have always been there. And don't freak out about your body in November 2009. Being six pounds heavier than you used to be isn't worth your health in the future. Exercise instead. You have people who love you, if you remember that you're going to be fine. I have to go now, but I'll see you in the mirror.
I would tell my high school self to step up my studies and practising. College is more challenging than I expected then. I would bring my sheet music to the hospital with me when I went for infusions. I would have told myself that this disease will not kill me and I am stronger than I ever thought I was. I would tell myself to fight just that little bit harder against my Lupus and kidney disease because I can do it.
Karsten I know you are worried about all of the choices you are about to make but do not worry too much. You will handle moving from Germany to the United States and even though your parents are back in Germany you will do just fine. The friends you will make in your freshman year will help you get through the hard times, and you will do the same for them. Classes will be great and your professors are informative and will help you when you need them. I know you are worried about the fact that you are still learning english and have only been speaking it for about 4 years. Do not worry about that there are many other students you will meet that have that same problem. You will even meet other people from throughout Germany at your university. Just focus on what lies ahead and remember that you can do anything you set your mind to do. You will go on to accomplish great things in your senior year. Just remember where you came from and the obstacles you had to overcome. Lastly do not forget only you determine how far you go in life.
I would tell myself to try harder in school, not be as lazy, and be more active in life.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior I would tell myself to take my senior year more seriously. I would tell myself to take the SAT's more seriously to make getting into college easier. I would also tell myself to ask questions when I went to visit colleges. Visiting colleges could be a little overwhelming so the more you ask the more you know and that will make the transition easier. Finally, I would tell myself to enjoy my first year. I would tell myself not to overload on classes so much that I do not have a chance to enjoy the things that make my college great. I would tell myself to get out and enjoy the sporting events and to try to join groups to help meet people. In conclusion, I feel that this advice would greatly help my transition from high school to college which would ultimatly make my life easier today.
If I could go back and talk to my high school self, I would tell myself to stay true who I am and what I want. I've always known what my dreams are, but I lost my morals along the way and now I am finally getting them back. I would tell myself to not worry about being popular, just be myself and have fun because popularity doesn't matter in college, grades and experience do. I would also tell myself to cherish high school, because I spent too much time trying to get out, and now I miss it and how much easier it was. I would tell myself to make time for my family, because 4 monthes away from them is a lot longer than it seems. The last thing I would tell myself woud be to live in the moment, because theres no way to get time back and life is full of amazing people and opportunites, all you have to do is open your eyes.
You're going to do alright, just try to keep your schedual straight, you'll bother less people.
I would tell myself Kaitlyn, these are going to be the best four years of your life; you have the rest of your life to worry about money and working so enjoy yourself now. If you're homesick remember Mommy, Daddy, Maria and Shannan are never more than a phone call away and they are all so proud of you for making it on your own so far from home. But don't go home every chance you get, home will always be there college wont. Make as many friends as possible, you are all in the same boat as freshmen away from home for the first time. Value the friends you make here because unlike high school the friends you make here will truly be your friends for life. Work hard but play harder that's what college is all about. Always stay true to who you are. But most importantly, know that whatever comes your way you can do this and you'll be a better person because of it.