I would tell myself to work harder, and to take chemistry 2 in high school. Try harder not to lose your scholarship, and .be very careful who you chose to live with
I would have told myself that my college years would fly by and to work really hard to get good grades and scholarships. I would encourage myself to strive towards studying abroad and interning almost immediately.
I would tell myself that you need to make the best decision for yourself and not take into account what other people want you to do. Family and friends will say what they want, but ultimately it is you who has to attend school there for four years and unless you are going to be completely satisfied with the next four years, don't let anyone influence you that way.
Study,study,study. Keep focus in high school and keep grades up because once you are in college, it is harder to keep your gpa up and classes become way harder and you need to focus alot more. Don't worry about the little things or the moment, think of worring about your future.
Learn how to time manage and good study skills.
dont get senioritis. stay focused, well organized, and stay on task because every good habit counts to being successful.
You are going to change man. Take Najberg's composition and Evans's sociology classes. Switch that engineering major, you haven't picked that silly schematic stuff up since 9th grade. Ever since you read Orwell's 1984, you realized your fascination with the human condition. Don't be shocked if girls like you and don't blow it with Jessica. You will create friends virtually ex nihilo by tagging along with your roommates. You and Nicole will always be "just friends", so please move on. Avoid girls you aren't interested in, even though you like trying to figure our their problems. Habitual singleness gives you a lot of free time. You think hipsters are cool, but they really aren't. You will realize that partying is indeed fun, so loosen up and grab a few shots of vodka. Agnosticism will be accepted more, but you will seem to have a deeper reason and experience for jumping off the cross. You will not be the smartest, which in time will feel liberating. Don't take freshman seminar, that is for potential dropouts, which you really won't be. Have fun, be yourself, and keep your grades badass.
I would definitely have been more strict on my finances. College away from home is not a place you want to experience being dead broke. School is not much of a problem, but I would have told myself to read and research random things more just to attain knowledge.
UTC is more than it seems. I know you want to go big...UGA, UT. I looks too small and kind of boring, but it's just right for you. You will realize after your first psych class with 200 other freshman why you wouldn't have liked a bigger school. You will appretiate your decision when you start your education classes and are taught by teachers you want to be like one day. You will be surrounded by great people chasing the same dream you are who will help you along the way. You will have fun here, too! There are so many people here just like you. There is a great park just across the river, hiking on lookout mountain, and awesome hangouts downtown. There are reasons that things didn't work out at UGA, you just don't know it yet. And even though you thought Belmont would be too far from home, it wasn't right for you either. This is the only school where you could become the special ed teacher you were born to be. You don't know it now, but where you are going and who you will be started at UTC!
Don't drop everything and leave after you graduate! Make sure you finish up the important things and not just run for the new things.