The University of Tennessee-Chattanooga Top Questions

What should every freshman at The University of Tennessee-Chattanooga know before they start?


My advice is to research actively and make sure to visit the universities that you are intrested in.


Dont let money hender you from going where you dream of being. If it is a school in Germany you feel is best for you...then GO!


The advice I would give is to visit your choie colleges before you decide on what college you want to go to and when you go off to college make sure it is the school you, as a student, want to go to.


I would tell the student to choose wisely. I would say that not everyone knows exactly what they want when they enter college, so I would want them to choose a college with a great diversity in programs. While all aspects of a college environment are important, I think the most important would be the college itself. I would tell them not to pick a college that focuses on one concentration like a conservatory of art or music, unless they were absolutely sure it is what they wanted. By choosing a college that offers several different things, there will be a smaller chance of them getting stuck, that is to say, wishing they would have gone somewhere that offered what they wanted. For the parents I'd want them to know that college is their child's decision, and they shouldn't push them to attend somewhere they do not want to go, because Ive seen that happen, and more than likely their child will not finish at that school, but be unhappy because they did not get to chose for themselves. I'd also like to tell the students not to get caught up in party life. Not good.


The best advice I wwould give, that I did not use myself was to tour the university beforehand. I believe the student and parent should get a feel for the environment and the people in it. Take a day to observe the other students. Decide if the university is a place you would like to be.


Go where it makes you happy, because if you don't it could effect your study.


I would advice students and parents to absoluetly tour the campus and campus life before making a final decision. You don't have to spend several days there just do the orientation tour (which usually consist of a present student taking you around the campus) and afterwards maybe getting a bite to eat and asking locals about the college and the social life at the college. Just asking a few simple questions might make or break your decision about the college. But students just live and love the experience and make the best of everything! Good Luck!


No matter the institution, college is work. choose a college that has a lot of scholarships available, good retention and graduation rates. Base your choice on size, location, and the academic programs in which you're interested. Housing is important because if you plan to live away from home, you have to live on campus. and you would want to be comfortable.


Look at academics and class sizes when you get into major related courses. Dont be afraid to pick schools with more choices on weekends, otherwise you will find your child at a house party more times than not.


Finding the right college is very important for students and parents. I would suggest the students and parents sitting down and picking 2 or 3 colleges in a safe area that the student is interested in. Then I would suggest that they go to the campus tours. Learning about the school, area, and all that it has to offer is very important. The student should remember that education is first at all times. Have fun but be safe and always remember where you are.