making sure you understand what you are going to college for. many times students pick school just because they want to follow their friends, but you have to realize that every college is not for you. i would advise doing research and being truely honest with ones self when decided on which college to attend. because once you realize that then it will make your college experience a lot easier!
Make sure you and your parents feel safe at school. Worrying about safety as a student makes it hard to focus on schoolwork and comforting concerned parents can be stressful too. One easy way to do this is by talking to other students, visiting the college campus and driving around the city, and going to orientation. Don't let crime dampen the excitement of going to school.
Also, be aware of timelines and dates for forms like FAFSA and other aid opportunities; the early bird gets the worm!
My last piece of advice is to research extracurricular activities. Although some students will have to juggle both work and school, clubs are a great social outlet. Environmental, drama, foreign language, or special interest clubs are a few found at UTC. Not only do they help connect you to your peers, they are a great way to network and "beef up" your post -graduation resume!
The best advice for finding the right college is to do research. Look online at colleges that you are interested in and visit the campus, because what is on the website is not always the whole truth about the college.
Explore the campus and the campus town before settling on a college. As for making the most of it, get involved. Go to the Dorm Hall meeting, join clubs, meet people.
My advice would be to the student - visit the college of your choice while school is in session, this will give you a good fill for the day to day environment. Also, if you have a roommate to make sure you take time to get to know them, and you are compatible.
In order to find the right college for a student, much information needs to be researched. Things that need to be researched are the differrent programs and or classed the college actually offers. Some colleges offer freshmen seminar programs to help students transition from the high school level to the college level. Freshmen seminar is a good program that students should look for. Also students should have an idea of what their major may be and talk to an advisor in college to start planning classes or activites they may want to take to further their education. Coaches for a specific college should also be contacted because many students who play sports in high school miss out on the college level because they fail to take that chance. Housing should also be looked upon because that may be where the student spends the majority of his or her time. Different financial procedures should also be looked at like work-study and grants. Always look for scholarships even if it doesnt seem to be going well. Scholarships are free money that parents do not have to come out of thier pocket for.
My advice would be to choose a school that would allow you to earn the degree you want and to be a school that has a good reputation.
If I could give future college students advice about finding the right college, I would tell them to visit the campus frequently so that they have a pretty good idea of what their environment would be like. I would also tell them to be familiar with the town or city that is near the campus. I would also let them know that they may want to talk to other students that go to that college through instant messaging or online so that they can get other students' opinions of the campus.
As far as making the most out of their college experience, I would suggest that they stay focused on their academics, but they should also have social time to keep a healthy balance in their life. Another important issue I would address is the college diet. Eating healthy and right also contributes to a wonderful college experience because you are more aware of your surroundings, and you will, more than likely, keep a positive attitude that could very well rub off on the other students.
Look for a school that closely supply what you want from your education. Look for a school that "feels" right when you visit before making any decisions on schools. You will know based on what you want if the school is right for you.
Find a college that is a good size for you. If you go to a very big college, you won't have the same kind of relationships with your professors. They probably won't even remember your name like they might at a smaller college. Make sure the college you go to has the major you are interested in.