Take as many classes as you can in high school that are duel credit. Don't take all of your basics first and then take all of the classes in your major at one time. Mix upper level and lower level classes each semester.
I would definately recommend visiting the campus first. You need to be able to look around and see yourself learning, but also creating lasting friendships and memories. Get involved. There is nothing better than giving back to the school . Join groups, clubs, sororities and fraternities. Find a place where you feel comfortable and are able to be yourself. Other than that study hard and have a great time. It will be worth it.
Make sure you know what type of studies go on in that particular college, the focus of that university, and if you feel that it is the direction you'll truly go.
To incoming freshman, I would strongly advise taking the time to make on campus visits, as well as spen a weekend in the city if its away from home. While on the campus you will be able to see if the campus is too big or too small, how diverse the student body is, what kinds of classes you will be able to take if you know your major, or you will have the opportunity to meet with advisors who can help you choose a major and figure out if that university is the right fit. Know what matters most to you.!Is it competitiveness, atmosphere, social life and fun, or even what type of housing options are available. Once, you've made your choice, you can make the most out of the college expirience if you first dispose of all the stereotypes that movies have portrayed, go to as many campus events you can, hopefully with the intention of joining a few organizations or just to get a feel for the campus and make a few new friends. Lastly, make an effort to get to know the campus and all its resources especially faculty and staff.
Find out the deadlines of all the schools you consider before it's too late to apply for admission and scholarships. Join organizations on campus, it makes it easier to meet people for study groups, and friends, rather than finding people in your classes when you should be paying attention to lecture. Many organizations encourage facebook to network with people at the school you attend. Make sure you manage your time wisley. When most people first start college they feel like they have all the time in the world to do whatever when they should really be studying and reading for their classes.
Try to visit and get a feal of every university you are interested in. Even though you might hear good things about certain schools, nothing can caompare to how you feel in each and every environment.
Don't go to a college just because all your friends are going to a particular college. Visiting a handful of universities is essential. Find the one where you feel like you are at home even when you aren't currently attending.
Don't wait!!! Find out what you really want to do with your life so that you can expedite the process.
Start looking early and stay on top of your studies.