To the future college student I recommend patience, discipline, determination and a fun spirit. Many people speak of college as a place that?s hard to get through; I would like to say one thing to future students: college, as life, is what you make of it. One of the best aspects of college is that there are so many opportunities for you to express yourself, when searching for schools you must find one that has great scholastic history and one that has a wide variety of groups of your interest. Once you have found the school that?s right for you the rest is simple, pay attention in class and have fun doing what you enjoy to do, whether it be volunteering or joining an accounting society. The best words of advice I can give parents to parents is: give your child space. College offers enough pressures in school without worrying about the ones from home, if there is one thing a college student learns how to do it is to ask for help, they will do so when they need it. Though stressful, college is a great place to learn not only about academics, but life, enjoy.
Every child/student is different and you have to know yourself before you can figure out where you want to attend a college. For some the idea of a big university scares them or intimidates them. In the long run, that might be exactly what they need to learn social skills needed in the work force today. For others who are socially thriving and think they need a huge university with a large greek community to continue their education, they might be wrong. Lots of people think they need one thing when in fact, they are completely off from what they have always believed. You have to weight all the options and consider everything before picking a college or university. Most people transfer after their first year, or even semester, because they did not do this in the beginning. This tends to set back their graduation date and also mess with their GPA due to many credits being transfered. You must make the right choice in the beginning because you will pay for it in the end if you do not.
I would suggest that for students who already know what field they want to go into, they should choose their school based on how well known that particular program is. I chose UTA because I was originally a nursing student and UTA has one of the top nursing schools in Texas. To make the most of college, I suggest putting yourself out there. Attend school functions, and join organiations because that is the best way to meet people.
I think it is always best to visit the college and make a list of what you are looking for. It's important that you have the list when you go and you can weigh which college meets your desires best. This list should include you acedemic expectations, social involvement expectaions, as well as your expectations for the people on your campus and what will make you the most comfortable and have the best experience.
choose the one that best fits with your major.
I didn't really get to apply for college because I played a sport and was recruited to play at the University of Texas at Arlington. Although I wasn't offered a scholarship to play, I always knew I wanted to go to UTA even in my early years of High School, so the oppertunity seemed right. I believe that when you are deciding on which college you want to attend, you need to look at everything the campus offers. First of all, you need to see if the degree progam you are wanting to pursue is available and that the progam is valid. You need to see if the extra curricular activities are things you would be interested in and possibly be involved with. To make the most out of your college experience, don't ever be afraid to ask for help. College has so many more available resources, that High School didn't, to help you make the best of your grades and to help you succeed to the best of your abilities. Good luck as you search for the college that fits your lifestyle and needs!
Each college campus is as different as the student that attends it. My best advice to parents and/or students about finding the right college is to first visit the campus. Each college has an orientation program for those interested. As a college student myself, I knew when I walked onto campus the very first time that I belonged here. It was a feeling of comfort and home., which is VERY important when you consider the amount of time you are going to be spending there!!
As for making the most of your college experience...STUDY!!! Yes, college is a time of new beginnings, securing frienships, and creating memories to last a lifetime, however the REAL reason for being here is education. Go to class, make friends there and in study groups (as opposed to late night parties)-for those friendships will last longer, pay attention and be organizaed. I know it doesn't sound too exciting or fun, but making the most out of college is essentially making the most out of yourself. Allow yourself to be educated responsibly, and you will never regret what you will be in the future
Choosing a college should be the student's decision. Parents should be supportive of whatever is going to foster the student's learning abilities. Campus visits are imperitive. A student should know what programs the different colleges are most notable for and compare that to their education & career goals.
When you make your decision, the school itself will not determine your experience. The people will. Make sure you get involved and meet new people. Attend school events and join groups. But make sure you put your schoolwork first. You don't want to be the one failing all your classes.
Do not settle for a college because you think it is convenient or close to home. Research multiple colleges before making your decision. Visit their websites and read about student life and activites. Always look into scholarships that you may be eligible for and apply because by not exploring all your options you could be missing out on many opportunites.
Before choosing college one should choose his major, and this is going to be based on what he likes and what he is good at; one should never go for a major because his friend is doing it or because his parents want him to do it. Then, he should choose the university that has his major. When choosing university, one should consider what majors does this university have, the equipments and labs provided, the proffessors' level of education, security, libraries, attandance to this school, and finally the money and financial aid he will have.