The University of Texas at Arlington Top Questions

What should every freshman at The University of Texas at Arlington know before they start?


Some advice I would give parents about finding the right college for their child/student is to pay attention to the on-campus activities and the types of people that attend the school. If there do not seem to be very many people that fit your child's personality, they might not have a good time. Also pay attention to prices and quality of education. I would tell students to be careful about letting their social life outweigh their academic life. If grades are not good in the beginning, it is hard to make it up later on. Also, do not be shy. Talk to others about study groups and do not be afraid to attend activities where you might not know someone. It is great to meet new people of different walks of life. Live it up and make the best of it because you usually only get one chance!


Just have fun becoming what you want to become.