The University of Texas at Austin Top Questions

Here's your chance: Say anything about The University of Texas at Austin!




Austin is an awesome place to live!


a lot of people are concerned with the size of colleges. i think of it this way, the more people on campus the more people you have to become friends with, interact with, learn from, network with. all of the people you meet can benefit you, and most people just need to realize this and take advantage of the sittuation. finding something to be active in makes meeting people a lot easier and school a lot more fun.






The police in Austin is probably the worst thing about this city. They are just pissed off people who are out to catch someone even if they're doing no harm. They're narrow minded, they abuse their power. They spend too much time looking for students to do a little stupid thing in order to arrest someone, instead of spending their time in bigger crimes that do happen. They'll use any excuse in order to use brute force, and were never taught to use dialogue before engaging someone in a fight.


I really like UT, there's no mold you have to fit. I feel like there's a place for everybody. Mostly, it's a great opportunity to learn from very educated and acclaimed professors. You know what they say, UT is the ivy league of the south.


UT has a super awesome library system that as students we don't take advantage of other than study space.


As much as I am ready to graduate, I am excited about being a second year senior next year. Since I have only been at UT for two year (transferred from LSU) I feel like I could use one more year here in Austin to soak up the college life!


UT is the best university in the country.