The University of Texas at San Antonio Top Questions

What should every freshman at The University of Texas at San Antonio know before they start?


Parents and students should visit the school and talk to the students there. It is important to feel comfortable at your school especially when you're about to go through so many life changes. Students, make sure you get involved, whether it be with sports, a club, or volunteering. It is the best way to make friends quickly and meet people to help you get through and enjoy your college experience. Also, go visit your professors during their office hours. It is best to visit them with in the first week of class. Ask them any questions you have or simply let them know you're looking forward to the semester. It may seem unimportant, but it is absolutely crucial. Your professors are there to teach you and help you along the way. If you go in and talk to them early on it shows that you care about your school work. They will be more likely to remember you and if you need help later on they will be more likely to help you. Your relationships with them will also come in handy when you need a reccomendation later on in your college career.


Let your students have to freedom to go where they want and be yourself!


As much as parents would love to enforce their beliefs and morals on their soon to be student or rather choose a college for them, please realize that holding a child's hand can be a grave hinderence. It is true that parents and child shoud be a team but baby bird must learn to fly. Falling may include mistakes, financial burdens, failing class, and many tears but all of the above can only add to the character of your young adult. I advise that any decision your daughter/son makes she/he should be completely confident about if not completely their own. Remember that your advice is meant to be a soft guiding hand and not a death hold grip.


I think when looking for a college you should look for one that best suits you. One that you would like..


I recommend researching any and all Universities that the student is considering. Do thorough research of everything - the university itself, the college you will be attending, and the surrounding area. I also recommend joining a frat or a sorority because they really do help you get adjusted to the college life with social events and even things to help you with school.


College is a chance to figure out who you are and what you're all ab out. Make sure to choose a college that will help you on this journey, in all the various aspects of life. Don't shy away from new and interesting opportunities. Make sure not to pressure yourself too much. If you're having trouble, use all of your college's resources to get help instead of letting things overwhelm you. Try to stay away from alcohol and fraternities/sororities. Instead, try to get involved in campus clubs that focus more on causes. Leave yourself open to new experiences, and have fun!


I strongly advise to go to the school and take a guided campus tour. In addition sit in a lecture. Remember that going to class is only part of the time in college. Go tour the town .


Follow your heart.


Research... put enough time into the process to get an accurate view of the educational institution. Speak with various people associated with the school: students, former students, teachers, advisors... anyone who will give a personal opinion, favorable or unfavorable, of the school. Begin your research early. Time passes very quickly, and educational costs are soaring. Information is a valuable asset in this procedure. As for making the most of the college experience... study hard, but not to the exclusion of your social and personal growth. Make friends. Share experiences. Get to know your teachers if they seem at all interested in helping you prosper in your studies. Don't let the pressure get to you... this is just one step in many you will face throughout your life. Be at peace in the midst of it all... don't let anything steal your joy.


Take your senior year as a chance to learn about as many colleges as you can. Remember that college is college and that you should never choose a college just because everyone else is choosing that particular college. When you choose a college be sure to spend some time visiting the campus and the surrounding area. Make time for learning about as much financial aid and scholarships available to you. Meet new people, dont be shy in class. Read your texts and notes and sit in the front of the class.