Make sure you aren't just picking a college for all the hype, pick it because it's best for you and being home sick is a major problem that can affect how good your grades are and how your mood/attitude is. Too make the most of it get involved and don't get behind in your studies because of partying, set priorities!
You should take the time to look in to what college best suits the student and has the major they want to attend. If the student is not sure what to go into, they should go to a community college first so they can have the oppurtunity to take the time to think clearly about it and it saves the parents money.
I would advise parents to let their children choose the college of their choice, but to direct them in the right area if money is an issue or if they are knowledgeable about their major. To the student's I would say listen to your parents and make sure to save your money and don't go eat out all the time, invest in some cook books and try something new. Also, don't think that you can go through your classes without reading or doing all the assignments and showing up to class, the teachers will change their tests up and they sometimes take attendance and the tests are a lot harder than in high school. It's good to keep up good communication between the parent's and student's to because it helps get stress out and build trust along with knowing when you need extra help with tutors and advisors for classes.
To look at the cost of attendance and the sixe of the university. If the student is use to a hands on teaching experience they should try a smaller university. If they learn with a larger class, a larger more urban are university would fit them.
I will advice parents and students to start researching for college and scholarships as early as midle school. I will advise students to stay focus, take challenging classes, seek for tutoring eventhough you don't think is necessary. Students must identify themselves withwith faculty, principal, teachers, counselors. . Parents and students must attend to high school college fairs, and collect as much information as possible about different colleges and universities, scholarships available, majors offers, faculty to student ratio. Students and parents must enroll as soon as possible in college board .com., their website provided very valuable information. students must also participate in extra curricular activities if offered at the high school and get involved in community service . Parents and students must apply for every scholarship available, adhere to college scholarships deadline. Students must research for career options , and participate in different internships.
I would say find the college that best calls to you. Do not attend a college for the reason that your friends are also going to attend. Find a college or University that fit your personality and financial background. Not worrying about money would be a great lift off ones shoulders especially when they are majoring in a difficult subject. If you have all your financial needs in order your more likley to do better in school because your focus will be 100 percent in your studies instead of worrying how your going to pay for the next term. Messege for the parents: help your children as much as possible and even if the road seems impossible, remember that nothing is impossible and keep faith in your children every step of the way because a parents faith in you is priceless. It will really help the student keep their head up high when the possible seems impossible.
To find the best college, first look into all of the college fairs at the high school attended. To make the most of a college experience, students, as well as parents, should always stay in contact with each other. Students should make time to keep in touch with old friends, and family, while making new friends at school. Students should also learn to manage their time and look into finding a job, either on or off campus. It is important to keep money with you at all times in case of emergency. Parents should encourage their child to do the best they can in school and to achieve their highest standards. With the importance of parental guidance and student achievement, both family and student will be happy with their new life.
You should make good grades in high school.Began looking for scholarships and visiting schools your junior year,its never to late.Apply to more than 1 school and make sure the school you chose is the one for you.When you finally arrive at college have fun but also remember to maintain time management.
Make sure to look into all that the school has to offer and the surrounding areas to see if this is the "right" place for them to spend the next 4 years of their life.