Students pick the school you know you can succeed at. Don't pick a school just becasue your parents want you to go there. To make the most of your college experience -- just get involved! Join groups and get to know as many people as you can. Because one day they might help you get a job somewhere.
A lot of students have a hard time wrapping their minds around the idea of college. They've heard horror stories of 20 pages essays, frat parties, all-night study sessions, and impossible final exams. But when applying to college, students and their parents should remember this: college is OPTIONAL. Nobody forces you to go to college, it is the students decision. So instead of moaning and groaning about your finals, make the most out of it. Learn everything you can because no matter what you decide to major in, it is relevant. I promise. I am a double major in Psychology and Public Relations this semester, but I'm taking politics classes and astronomy. We all live in the same world, but throughout your life you'll have new experiences. Make sure to take advantage of your vast college environment and prepare yourself for the future. And most importantly, don't forget to enjoy yourself! Don't be shy, everyone here is in the same situation as you are!
Know yourself. What I mean is don't go into a school to try a become something that you have heard is great. Go to a school that is going to help you explore your passions. You want to go somewhere that helps you explore yourself and grow. Do not go to a school just because you feel that a degree from that school will look good. Go somewhere that will make you look good after you go on to get a career. Enjoy your time. You have four years in this school setting so make the most of it and do all that you want to do. Accomplish what you enjoy. If you do what you enjoy than, you will enjoy what you do when you go into the workforce. Be enlightened. Be who you are and love it!
I?ve done it all. I attended a small private liberal arts school, an even smaller specialty school in Europe, and a state school with 30,000 students. I applied to schools all over the world. I was an Ivy League hopeful. I chose my current school because it fit me, not necessarily because of its prestige. Don?t attend a school for its name. You?ll get the same education almost anywhere. Unless you?re looking for a very specific program, just go where you?re comfortable. You?ll get out of your education what you put into it?nothing more, nothing less. Don?t believe the recruitment literature. A pamphlet will make any school look amazing. Visit. Talk to students who haven?t been asked to talk to you. Find out what the school is really like. Find a place that has the potential to feel like home. I chose a state school where I felt comfortable socially and financially. When I work hard in my classes, I learn a lot. When I slack, I lose out. I don?t need pay three times more a year to get the same education.
Students: You need to focus on what your interests are. A school with very selective degrees is not good for someone who isn't completely sure what they want to do. Make sure you're comfortable with the courses offered, opportunities to branch out, and the area.
Parents: Look for schools that offer diversity. An Ivy League school isn't worth it if your child didn't enjoy it and further themselves as a person.
I would emplor students and parents to visit as many schools as possible. In doing so, you can see the enviornment that both surrounds the school as well as see the campus. Also, look at what the school offers; courses, facilities, and tools that can help a student after they graduate.
Choose wisely. Think if you go to somewhere that you don't know anyone, how easy is it for you to make new friends. And if you need someone, then find a friend that is going there also. Universities are big, so get involved, you will make more friends, and enjoy school more!
go visit the colleges b4 you apply and see if the area and then college is what u are looking dont should start ur jr year
Find a place where you feel comfortable. Dont follow your friends. Finding a comfortable and focused school is best. You're sending your kids somewhere to get an education and make sure they have room to do just that, and a quarter of that room to socialize and build relationships with others.
Parents, make sure that you know before hand the reputation of the college. Just because it's prestigeous does not mean it's safe. Students, don't worry about what you want to do in life if you haven't chosen yet. Find yourself through the experience because even people who knew what they wanted have changed their minds. But if you know what you want, chase after it with every ounce of strength you have. The road is rough, but the reward is very, very satisfying!