Start saving now college is getting really expensive and if your financially ready for it then it wont be as bad and your teen will not struggle as much or worry as much. Find the college that you feel comfortable at and see yourself in. Join campus clubs, volunteer, or even get a job on campus, this will help you make new friends and get a sense of belonging.
I would say definitely take a look at several colleges before making a decision and also be informed about attendance costs and available financial aid packages. Check the school's reputation in your field or talk to alumni about their experiences. Make sure you are prepared for the costs associated with your school. I would also meet with the advisors in your department and see if they provide good direction for your career goals. Look at the social environment: talk to current students about their ability to make friends and receive help from classmates. Most of all, this is an important decision so don't leave it to the last minute or decide on a whim. Once enrolled, make sure you keep up with your work. Seek help if you need to. College is a privilege and shouldn't be taken for granted. At the same time, college is not entirely about the grades. Open yourself up to new experiences that a diverse campus offers. Get involved in extracurricular activities or organizations. Try new things and don't be afraid. The college experience will change your life; the outcome is up to you.
Take the necessary time to determine which college meets your desired intent for acedemics and future career aspirations. The school setting, atmosphere and support provided by administrators and faculty should also be considered. Understand your surroundings within the local community and ensure that the school of your choice offers security and needs of all students.
Looking for a school should begin with choosing a school that best suits your needs regarding the major your are looking to work towards. Make sure the schools you are looking at have extra curricular activities that will tie you to your campus life, and all of the amenities you are looking for in a college. Attending a university should be a fun and exciting new experience, so preparing yourself by knowing your own expectations as well as the schools in question is your best tool towards a rewarding college education.
I would give the advice I wish I had been offered when searching for a university. Go where you feel at home, where you believe you can spend the next four years of your life at and be happy there. College is a unique time of your life and you can never get these years or moments back, so make the most out of it. If you love school spirit make that a priority. If you want to be Greek then go to a school with a strong greek system. No one can tell you what to look for, you will have to decide what is important to you and pursue a college based on that.
I would tell the student to be sure the college is right for them, in terms of the environment, academic background, as well as the quality of the professors there. It would be most important for the student to check out the professors and their teaching methods. Having a professor that teaches a subject well, can really help a student to become successful and maintain a high gpa. Otherwise, that professor could very well hold the student back. As far as the campus environment, the student needs to be sure that it is an environment that he or she feels comfortable in according to his or her needs. Finally, the student needs to be sure that he or she can handle the academic standards of the college that he or she is attending.
Research many schools before you settle. Don't turn down a far away or ivy league school because you think you can't afford it. Sometimes those schools give you a bigger financial break. Don't freak if you start on one major and change your mind. Most college students change their major at least once! Get involved enough to be interested and have fun and make some friends, but not so much that your grades suffer. I haven't been as involved as I would have liked because I have worked a lot while I have been in college. I don't think I would have joined a sorority, but I would have liked to join a few clubs. I don't date too much because college guys are crazy and they drink too much. I don't drink or do drugs, so that makes me uninteresting to most college guys. Go your own way and don't get sucked in to partying to fit in. If you do, college is just a waste of money. Be present in your college years. Enjoy.
listen to yourself, check out the college before hand, trust your judgement, focus on what's out there and then home in based on what you are good at and would love to work in and don't listen to people who focus on gpa and getting out at a certain time. enjoy the journey not the end point.
Reserach the universities in which you are considering before making a final decision. Make sure the student/faculty ratio is a number you agree with. Visit the campus before committing to attend it. Have your parents do a walk-around tour of the campus with you. Check out what different on-campus housing, meal plans, and tuition pay plans the university offers. Check into activities such as frats, sororities, newspaper, etc that the university has to offer, so when you start attending, you may become a participant within those organizations. Make sure the university you choose to attend is one you have no doubts about, and one in which you will be proud to say you are a graduate about your entire life.
Parents: PLEASE pay for your children's tuition / on-campus housing. One of the biggest disappointments of my life in college was not living on-campus. I have certainly missed out on a lot of social networking opportunities because of it. Try to make college as accomodating as possible. Your kids are there to learn, not struggle.
Students: REMEMBER TO EAT YOUR FOOD. I frequently skip meals because my classes coincide with meal times, and thus end up eating only once or twice late in the day. I will be working to fix this myself, and I recommend all other students do the same. Also, learn to balance recreation with study.