Thiel College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Thiel College know before they start?


The advice I would give if I could go back in time is to start looking at colleges earlier. It is never too late to start looking at where you want to go or what you would like to become. I regret waiting around and trying to enjoy my senior year. My advice would be to myself is to not procrationate.


If i had the chance to go back in time and tell myself what I know now, the first thing i would tell them is don't screw off your junior year, focus on your classes and get the grades you need you'll save money in the long run, then i'd tell them even though you love the game of soccer make sure to focus on other aspects of your life to fully develop yourself as a person. Followed by that i'd say "learn how to properly study for big test and finals its an important skill to have in life". Next enjoy the life of a highschooler be sociable don't be a hermit that only focuses on a few things in their life. Then, Enjoy the freedom you have because before long you will be in debt and working late nights on papers and projects and studying for your finals. Finally i would tell them don't let the little things slip by embrass the moments, grow from your experiences.


If I could go back in time and talk to my high school senior self I would have loads of advice for her. First and foremost I would tell her that college is a new world, scary and overwhelming, but also one of the best things that will ever happen to her and she should embrace that. I would tell her that it is okay to not have a plan and that she could go to school and change her major and then change it again! I would also tell her that being away from her parents is hard but that the homesickness passes and everything is going to be alright. The reason why it'll be alright? Friends. I would tell her to keep her heart and mind open to all kinds of people because she will make the best lifelong friends anyone could ever imagine. Finally I would tell her not to stress. To be good at time management and do not let her classes get the best of her. I would also tell her to get her work done on the week days so that she could enjoy the social aspects of her new college career.


I would tell myself to be open to new adventuers and to be open to new people. It is important to take chances and try new things because that is how you grow as an indiviual and findout who you really are. I would also tell myself that the rough part of highschool "fitting in" is over. In college nobody cares who your friends with, or what other people think of you. However, in life their will always be people in the world who do think what others think of them and pass judgment on others, but those people have not relinquished the high school mentality. One last piece of advice that I would give my high school self is to enjoy every miniute of college. Embrace every new experience and new lesson because four years believe it or not go by fast and college is the time that you really do learn the most about yourself and find out exactly who you are suppsoed to be in the world.


If I could advise myself then of what I know now I woud tell myself to work on how to write essays well because teachers care about how they are written. I would say to make sure you stay orpganized becasue if you start to get unorganized things will get very hectic really quick. But most importantly keep an open mind about the people you meet, and talk to them and get to know them because you never know when or where youll get to see them again, as well as possibly making a long lasting frined.


If I could go back in time, I would tell myself to stay focused no matter how hard things get. Try different de-stessor components to help handle your workload.


Self, knowledge can be a building block experience and when you apply yoursef early in the life of this truth, and then choose to participate, you will surely succeed in your lifes journey. Therfore please apply yourself daily in your learning because one day at a time with compounded interest will pay great dividens. This last year of high school in such a formative time in your life is crucial to the rest of your story of education and its building block plan to succeed. Therefore, work this year with your presant and future in education and service to mankind in mind and heart. With study, reasearch, planning, diligent work, and hope, you win and so does our immediate world. With this, you will win in this so crucial time and place of your life because you have prepared the best foundation for success in the building blocks of the educated experience. Thank you, Blessings Michael lr


I would tell my self that you'll love thiel and you'll meet alot of amzing people that will change you for the better, but school is nt cheap and your parents arent going to help you like you think. You are going to end up paying for everyhting , so work harder your freshmen year, dont take tennis, focus on grades and get more scholarships. Start working at the school earlier and make payments your self. Learn to handle your money better and dont give your mom your credit card no matter what, she'll put you in a finacial hole that is very hard to get out of. All in all, learn to handle your money properly and get better grades.


To be honest as a high school senior the best news I could have herd is that college is really not that different from high school. Not a whole lot changes other than living with another student. Do not stress yourself out with what everyone is telling you it will be like. It is what you make. There will still be clicks, partiers, drama, and all the other things you experienced in highschool. Everyone willl arrive there in the same situation, a little scared but excited and looking for friends. Its almost a fresh start, but never forget your home town friends. It might be rough but do not drift away from them. Keep in touch. The best part about college is your independence and freedom. Your parents are not there to tell you when to go to bed or wake you up. there not there to help make a decision, its a learning experience in the class room as much as it is outside of it. Money management, time management, you learn it all. Its okay to make a mistake thats how you learn. You will enjoy it once your there so don't fret.


I would tell myself that the issues that I have faced, such as breakups, are not so big in the long run. College is a time for meeting new people, both in a platonic and romantic setting. I would also tell myself that senior year is not the time to slack off, as I still have four years of school left. Just because your goal is close does not mean that you have reached it, and you need to keep working until you've reached and surpassed it. The final piece of advice I would give to myself is to keep my head up and not let minor things get to me, as these are supposedly the best years of my life, and I am the only person who is responsible for my happiness.