I would tell parents and students to make sure they find the college that is best suited for both their personal and academic needs. Also, they should make sure that they find a college that is best for their major and also for their second choice in majors in case they change their mind about their major. Visiting the college, sitting in on some classes in your intended major, and meeting with the professor are all ways to insure that you are choosing a college that will be the right fit for you.
Talk to other student's whom are currently attending that school! My biggest mistake was asking about others' views only after I was attending that college. Had I previously asked, I would have known to avoid it. Also, look at colleges that aren't so close to home. My first college was an hour and half away but I could still drive home. However, when I decided that I should be closer, I applied to the nearest college without touring the inside of the buildings. Big mistake! They were run down with ants everywhere! So please just look a little closer before deciding. College is supposed to be fun and it is but, only if you chose the right school for you. My first school was right for me and I mistakingly thought that all colleges would be just like that. If there is something you do not like at one campus, move on! There will always be one out there that is perfect for you. When you find that perfect school, stay there, you'll never be able to match it again! Good luck and I hope you can find that right school, for you, by your first enrollment!
Make the best decision for yourself and give it your all.
Looking back at College, it is really hard to guage whether or not it was the right school for you. I think the trick to being at the right school is to make it the right school. Most schools have the right venues to voice the changes you want, and in the cases where none exist, it's not that hard to start one. True success at a school is walking out of there as someone you are happy with, and that takes moral and educational growth. Imagine that for every dollar you put into your school, you are investing in yourself. Students are the voice of an institution, and that is the only way that the campus will be able to cater to your needs. Don't be afraid to speak up, it doesn't matter who is telling you to be quiet. What really matters is the one or two people that are listening.
Look into everything, Cost, School Activities, and how well the major of your choice is known to graduate schools.
I would tell parents to go with their gut feeling about a college that they wish for their child to go to. Look at the facts and go with your gut instinct.
I would tell them to let the one who will be attending college choose the college. This is not for the parents to live through the kids it is for the kids to have their own experiences to find out what and who they really are. also i think it is best that the student go about an hour at the least away from the home it is close enough but far enough away from the home so they can make mistakes and find themselves. this is the best eay for the student to figure out what thye want form life and how to achieve it in their own way.
Start searching when you in ninth grade, facebook random students from the school and do an overnight visit for like a whole weekend to get a good feel of the school, the students and surroundings. Talk to as many students as you can.
Reserch and ask questions. My parents wanted me to be at a "small school" with smaller classrooms...while I wanted to attend a "big school" that was known for it's history in sports & winning. They won . I have come to realize they were right. It's not about being on a winning team. It's about MY FUTURE~MY LIFE.
Do not go to Thiel. I am transferring next year.