Thiel College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Thiel College know before they start?


I would tell myself to make it a point to be engaged in social activities. The best way for me to have an enjoyable college life is to incorporate a healthy balance of work and relaxation. College is about what I make of it. Also, I would tell myself to havconversations with my professors. After realizing that it is quite easy and enjoyable to talk to my professors, conversing with them made me feel more comfortable. I need to be assured that it is important that I converse with people to not only make them feel better, but to feel better myself. In this manner of talking to people, it would surely take the stress away and help me to show a more positive attitude toward others.


Knowing what i know now about college i would tell myself to be less stressed. Don't take things so seriously. It is important to keep up grades but do not let it be everything. Have some fun. Do not be judgemental because you will meet people who are complete opposites of you and you will love them. Don't be afraid to get out of your shell, it will only help you. Go to class unless you have a valid excuse not too because it will make all the diffrence. You will meet a lot of people but do not depend on anyone but yourself. At times you will want to give up but just remember why you are there and what it's all for. Enjoy your time in school because it goes fast and you will miss it!


If I had the opportunity to speak to my high school self, there are many things I would want to say. The first piece of advice of I would give to High School Senior me would be to educate yourself more on what to expect with college classes. It is important to realize how much bigger your workload gets on the first day of classes compared to High School. Another important piece of advice I would give myself would be to get involved on day one. Do not come on campus thinking that you can wait until next year to get involved, because it is important to build relationships right off the bat. Most importantly, take your opportunities to stay overnight to make sure that is the environment you want to be in. Spending time with students who attend your prospective school allows you to understand what type of transition it is going to be from high school into college life. These people will inform you of all the different things a simple brochure or paid recruiter will not tell you.


If I could go back in time, I would tell myself to use my time wisely. I would tell myself that time is a very precious thing and once it is gone, it is gone forever. I would also tell myself to focus on school and use my time studying, preparing, and learning. I would say this because in high school, I did not focus on school work and I deeply regret that. I did not spend a lot of time outside of school doing school related things and that is ultimately what led me to have the grades that I did. If I were to have better grades, I could now have more financial aid. I would also tell myself that time really does change you. I would encourage myself to be a better, nicer, and stronger person in order to understand and thrive in my first year of college. I would let myself know all of the things that I needed to know in order to succeed- the one main thing would be to truly focus on grades.


I would make sure that I knew how much it would cost to attend college. From there, I would make sure that I knew to apply for scholarships as early as possible and start saving as much as I could from working. I would also show myself that studying is more important than a social life, so I would try to get myself to make a studying schedule or habit.


If I could go back in time, I would tell myself to apply for scholarships sooner and not be scared of the fact they might say no. I've applied for numerous scholarships since high school in order to better prepare myself financially, but I limited myself before by being afraid of being rejected. I've learned now that you will get rejected at some point, but it's worth it in the end because the money you get makes a huge difference. I would also tell myself to keep working hard in school and stick to your goal of keeping a GPA above 3.5. I've been able to do that so far in my college career, but the positive reinforcement on how important grades are for moving to the future would always be appreciated. I would also tell myself to have a little fun while you're there because you will never be this age again with all these different opportunites to explore.


Jessica, you will fit in perfectly at Thiel. It is a great choice for you. Remember to be friendly when meeting people. Do not bother going to parties because you do not believe in blacking out and forgetting your whole weekend. Stick around for your friends. Do not spread rumors because Thiel is so small, and people find information out in minutes. Also, do not listen to the rumors or gossip about people because in a small community word gets around quick and everyone knows everyone. So, keep your mouth shut. This is going to be a major transition coming from a larger high school. However, you will do fine.


The advice I would give to myself is to always stay focus towards your goals never give up and always be determine.


In college I was not very commited to academia and I did not take school very seriously. Because of this I received a low GPA when I beleive I could have done so much better. All the time you hear parents telling their kids to work hard in high school so that they can get into a good college. I beieve that if a child was to take any advice seriously through high school this would be the best advice to take. I believe that if I worked hard in high school I would have been able to make it into a more prestigious school and thus a graduate program that offered better financial aid. Although I received highest honors when I graduated this past May, I did not make it into my top chioce graduate program. This has really put me in a stand still since the program I got into offers no aid at all, so I am molding my goals to be able to afford graduate school. If I would have only tried harder in high school I truely think that I would have a better chance at achieveing my dream of having a docorate degree.


In my college experience I have learned many attributes about myself. I have gained the confidence for social interaction, all the while educating my mind. This experience has been a life changing one. College has expanded my view of the world and has driven me to strive to accomplish many life long ambitions. Recieving this scholarship would make these dreams i have so much more possible.