Thiel College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Thiel College know before they start?


Let their children pick where they want to go parents can not force their child to go somewhere they do not want to go that will make their college experience horrible. Students make sure you pick a school that is a good choice for you if you like little classes and not a lot of students pick a small college or a private college not a lot of students and very little classes. Make sure that you go out and have a social life and make new friends. Making new friends is always a good and fun thing to do.


Choosing the right college is one of the most difficult decisions a person must make. For parents, it is the students choice, so let them make it. Do not pressure your student into a school the he/she is not comforable at just cause you went there, or because the particular school is less expensive than another. The student will be happier and more open to adapt to the school if he/she makes the decision his/herself. As for the students, make sure you pick the school that you want to go to and make sure you pick it for the right reasons. Do not just pick a school because it is a good party school, pick it cause you can have fun but also be focus on getting the grades. Also, be sure to visit any potential school before committing to it so that you are able to decide if you can fit in with the people without changing who you are. Finally, do not feel pressured to go somewhere you don't want to, you're the one that has to live there and learn there, so make sure you feel comfortable academically and socially.


I would tell students that they will know when they are at the right place. The most important thig to look for is accually a feeling. The person will feel as if they have come home. It is also important that the college seem welcome and that they want you. If they do not presue you then it may not be the right place. Take a look at the academics and see if they have programs that intrest you, and also look at the campus ministry groups if you want to be spirutaly fed while there. A good group will be doing service projects and meeting weekly. Talk to other students and see how they feel about their school and to see if you fit in and enjoy those students. A good college experience has to do with both class and with socail well being.


There is a lot of advice that can be given to both parents and students about finding the right college. Parents need to keep in mind that they do need to let their child experience what it is like to be independent and trust that they will make the right decisions. Although you may want your child to go to a certain college, it should be their choice because it should be a place where they feel comfortable and wish to get a degree from that college. For students, visit all the colleges you are interested in and don't just pick the first one you visit. You will know you belong on that campus the first time you take foot. When you get to college, have fun and do not worry about making mistakes. Once a mistake is made, you will learn from it and get back up onto your feet to start all over with the next mistake or experience. Never keep your dorm room door closed, you never know how many great people you will meet. Professors can sometimes be intimidating, but they will direct you in the right direction and guide you to success!


figure out what is important to you, really visit with professors at each school, find what is worth the education money-wise


Most want a college experience that will be fun and memorable. I went to a community college and lived with my parents for my first year. I'll be honest, it was rough - I jumped from work to school, with no social life. When that year came to close to an end, I thought about what I wanted in my college career most - friends and the opportunity to do study education. While visiting new schools for the fall of the next year, I immediately fell in love with Thiel, because it was small and homey. The first couple of weeks were rough - I didn't make friends right away, but once I got involved on campus, I made more friends than I could imagine. I also got the education that most would dream of. My advice to parents and students when thinking about making the right choice for college is to interview current students and alumni, and get involved. The best choice I ever made was to get involved and make a difference. I helped raise money for Ovarian Cancer Research, helped international students feel welcome in a new country, and helped build a home for a family in need.


Multiple Visits and Overnight Stays, Financial Aid Is Important and Strong Social bonds are a huge factor


You have to feel 100{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} comfortable with your decision! And to make the most out of the college experience you have to be involved... as involved as you possibly can!!


Go with your gut instinct!


Really look at the campus, talk to the actual students not the students paid to give tours, and always make sure the money is the right not to put a burden on the family.