University of Akron Main Campus Top Questions

What should every freshman at University of Akron Main Campus know before they start?


I would say that the most important thing to remember is that visiting multiple campuses and asking several questions is the best way to go. It is far better to do that than to visit one place and decide based on one visit that you want to go there.


Akron University is often over looked and looked down upon because it isn't Ohio State or another big college. Parents and students should know that Akron offers acceptance for all different types of people and includes so much for people to do, whether you like sports or the arts. Akron provides wonderful proffesors or graduate students who are more than willing to help if you ask them. Akron has the same level of difficulty as the bigger colleges and bears more merit than people are willing to give it credit for. Many people upon looking for a college often over look the smaller colleges, when it's here that you can easily afford a good education and college experience. What I am trying to say is look for a college that fits you and not the general idea of a " the good place " sometimes people move from bigger universities to Akron, and it is then I tell people that you need to find the college that fits you and your check book, and sometimes that wonderful college expience is right outside your door step, at a near home small college that bears the same merit as the bigger ones.


Visit as many places as you can and try and do everything early. When looking at the brochures dont base your thoughts of your school on it. Just looking at the brochures made me not want to go to this school but once I visited I fell in love with it and knew that it was where i needed to go. Just make sure that you feel welcome in the area and it fits your wants and needs. Ask as many questions as possible- even if they sound stupid to you- in the end they help out a lot


Finding a University that has nice facilities, many amenities, and a great vibe.


I think it is very important for students to find the school that fits them best. Don't go somewhere just because you have friends going there. The whole point of college is to make a life experience and come out into the real world well prepared. You will make life long friends at college and also keep in touch with old friends as well. College is what you make of it.


Visit. Visit. Visit.


Anyone interested in attending college should have a level head on their shoulders. They need to know when they can stand on their own, and when they will need to ask for help. Also to help prevent huge debt when graduating, have a solid financial plan before applying to any school.


really look into the area and the people on campus. Look at a lot of colleges before making your decision and take multiple visits. Don't let distance from home make your choice.


Make a list of things you would like to do, then go to a school that has at least a few of them. Then if you don't like your major, you can have a backup without having to switch schools. That way moving away from newly made friends doesn't interfere with your academic decision.


My main advice to give your children is find a college with a variety of majors. Most kids do not know what career they want for themselves coming out of high school and often change thier minds once in college. Choosing a college with a variety of majors will help with this problem. Furthermore, choose a major with a high demand for jobs. Many students pick a major because they enjoy it, but often fail to find a job. In today's world, especially with the economic crisis what it is, kids need to find job stability. If your child is uncertain what major or career he or she wants, send them to a community college for a year and take introductory classes. This way all the credits will transfer to a four year college and the price will be a fraction of what it would have cost to send them to the four year college to start. I was one of the lucky ones to find the perfect job for me, but even I had to get my second bachelor's degree to do it. Parents do not be discouraged if your kid switches majors.